Relating to supplemental Medicaid provider reimbursement [HB-2739]
The purpose of this bill is to provide that an eligible provider may receive supplemental Medicaid reimbursement, in addition to the rate of payment that the provider would otherwise receive, for Medicaid ground emergency medical transportation services and that the supplemental reimbursement shall be equal to the amount of federal financial participation the department receives as a result of claims submitted for expenditures for services.
HB-2739: Relating to supplemental Medicaid provider reimbursement
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Ellington
Chapter 128, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
Requiring county commissions to maintain websites with specific information [HB-2746]
The purpose of this bill is to require county commissions to maintain websites with specific information and to provide website information to the Secretary of State, to require Class I and Class II municipalities to maintain websites with specific information, and to allow Class III and IV municipalities to maintain websites provided they contain specific information. This bill is recommended by the by the Joint Standing Committee on Government Organization for introduction and passage during the 2017 Regular Session.
HB-2746: Requiring county commissions to maintain websites with specific information
Sponsored by: Rep. Gary Howell
Filed For Introduction on 03/01/2017