Rep. Henry Dillon


District HD-029
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 100

Sponsored Legislation

State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Medical Insurance Policy Owner’s Notification Act [HB-2517]
The purpose of this bill is to create the Medical Insurance Policy Owner's Notification Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Henry Dillon Filed For Introduction on 01/12/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Relating to providing support for families [HB-2002]
The purpose of this bill is to increase support for families.


Sponsored by: Rep. Erikka Storch Chapter 188, Acts, Regular Session, 2023 on 05/01/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Relating to felony trespassing [HB-2567]
The purpose of this bill is to increase the penalty of unlawful trespass into the home of another from a misdemeanor offense to a felony offense.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean To Judiciary on 02/27/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Raising retirement rate for Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System [HB-2568]
The purpose of this bill is to raise the retirement rate for deputy sheriffs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean Filed For Introduction on 01/16/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Firearm Protection Act [HB-2067]
The purpose of this bill is to create the "Firearm Protection Act" that provides that any federal law effective after January 1, 2023, which attempts to ban semiautomatic firearms or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state is unenforceable in West Virginia. The bill also provides an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Caleb Hanna Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Relating to the Campus Self Defense Act [HB-2633]
The purpose of this bill is to permit the carrying of a concealed pistol or revolver by a person who holds a current license to carry a concealed deadly weapon; authorizing regulation or restriction on the carrying of concealed pistols or revolvers in certain circumstances or areas of an institution of higher education; eliminating authority of the Higher Education Policy Commission, the Council for Community and Technical College Education and the institutional boards of governors to restrict or regulate the carrying of concealed pistols or revolvers (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Espinosa Filed For Introduction on 01/17/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Ban sanctuary cities in West Virginia [HB-2386]
The purpose of this bill is to require all local entities of this state to enforce immigration laws. The bill provides for definitions. The bill protects the taxpayers of West Virginia by ensuring that municipalities and counties in West Virginia are immediately required to contact the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement to identify where noncitizen residents are residing, so that the matter of their illegal status is resolved in the Courts. Finally, the bill prohibits discrimination while enforcing immigration laws and prohibiting (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Brandon Steele Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Remove standardized testing in public and private schools [HB-2216]
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate standardized testing requirements in West Virginia public and private schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Relating to vocational and technical education programs [HB-2034]
The purpose of this bill is to provide information to high school students regarding career and technical educational opportunities during and after high school, to create a career and technical education for middle school students, and to codify the Governor's Workforce Credential.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2023

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Farm Direct Feed Sales Exemption [HB-2787]
The purpose of this bill is to; provide that persons engaged in selling products or commodities produced exclusively on their own farm are not distributors and are exempt from obtaining a Commercial Feed Distributor Permit West Virginia.


Sponsored by: Rep. Henry Dillon Do Pass, But First To Judiciary on 02/01/2023

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