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Explain SB-1350: Schools; immunization rate; website posting × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1350: Schools; immunization rate; website posting.
Explain SB-1361: Employers; compensation history; prohibitions × Sponsored by: Sen. Denise Epstein Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1361: Employers; compensation history; prohibitions.
Explain SB-1339: Justification; deadly physical force exceptions × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1339: Justification; deadly physical force exceptions.
Explain SB-1363: Energy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal × Sponsored by: Sen. Rosanna Gabaldon Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1363: Energy measuring; reporting; prohibition; repeal.
Explain SB-1348: Postsecondary institutions; sexual consent policies × Sponsored by: Sen. Sally Gonzales Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1348: Postsecondary institutions; sexual consent policies.
Explain SB-1358: Homeowners' associations; solar, water devices × Sponsored by: Sen. Rosanna Gabaldon Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1358: Homeowners' associations; solar, water devices.
Explain SB-1355: Wells; permits; spacing rules × Sponsored by: Rep. Athena Salman Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1355: Wells; permits; spacing rules.
Explain SB-1359: Polystyrene foam food packaging; prohibition × Sponsored by: Sen. Rosanna Gabaldon Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1359: Polystyrene foam food packaging; prohibition.
Explain SCR-1021: United States; Taiwan; trade partnership × Sponsored by: Sen. Javan Mesnard Transmitted To Secretary Of State on 05/03/2023
You have voted SCR-1021: United States; Taiwan; trade partnership.
Explain SB-1437: Ballot delivery; collection × Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Mendez Senate Read Second Time on 02/09/2023
You have voted SB-1437: Ballot delivery; collection.