Rep. Isaac Latterell


District HD-006
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 7

Sponsored Legislation

State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Provide certain protections for public employees. [HB-1052]
Provide certain protections for public employees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jenna Netherton Signed By The Governor On March 10, 2017 H.j. 758 on 03/10/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Authorize law enforcement officers to issue certain citations not signed under oath. [HB-1056]
Authorize law enforcement officers to issue certain citations not signed under oath.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Bolin Signed By The Governor On March 2, 2017 H.j. 618 on 03/06/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Revise certain provisions regarding the need for a driver license or permit to operate certain motor vehicles. [HB-1055]
Revise certain provisions regarding the need for a driver license or permit to operate certain motor vehicles.


Sponsored by: Rep. Blaine Campbell Signed By The Governor On February 23, 2017 H.j. 482 on 02/23/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to fishing, hunting, and trapping. [HJR-1001]
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to fishing, hunting, and trapping.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Scheduled For Hearing on 01/25/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Commending and honoring the 2015-2016 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Jim Holbeck, Harrisburg, School Superintendent; Todd Brist, Watertown, Middle School Principal; Lory DuFrain, Wagner, School Business Official; Ethan Dschaak, Meade, Elementary School Principal; Kevin Lein, Harrisburg, Secondary School Principal; Ryan Rollinger, Harrisburg, Assistant Secondary School Principal; Sherri Becker, Mitchell, Curriculum Leader; and Jennifer Heggelund, Watertown, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups. [SM-1]
Commending and honoring the 2015-2016 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Jim Holbeck, Harrisburg, School Superintendent; Todd Brist, Watertown, Middle School Principal; Lory DuFrain, Wagner, School Business Official; Ethan Dschaak, Meade, Elementary School Principal; Kevin Lein, Harrisburg, Secondary School Principal; Ryan Rollinger, Harrisburg, Assistant Secondary School Principal; Sherri Becker, Mitchell, Curriculum Leader; and Jennifer Heggelund, Watertown, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Bolin S.j. 158 on 01/20/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Inviting President Donald J. Trump to visit the State of South Dakota, and most especially to visit Mount Rushmore Memorial and Crazy Horse Memorial. [SCR-1]
Inviting President Donald J. Trump to visit the State of South Dakota, and most especially to visit Mount Rushmore Memorial and Crazy Horse Memorial.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Bolin Senate Concurred In Amendments, Passed, Yeas 35, Nays 0. S.j. 216 on 01/26/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Repeal and revise certain provisions related to campaign finance and to declare an emergency. [HB-1069]
Repeal and revise certain provisions related to campaign finance and to declare an emergency.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Signed By The Governor On February 2, 2017 H.j. 302 on 02/06/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Supporting the electoral college system. [SCR-2]
Supporting the electoral college system.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer House Of Representatives Concurred In Resolution, Passed, Yeas 58, Nays 6. H.j. 207 on 01/26/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Repeal and revise certain provisions relating to permits to carry a concealed pistol. [HB-1072]
Repeal and revise certain provisions relating to permits to carry a concealed pistol.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Delivered Veto Sustained To The Secretary Of State H.j. 771 on 03/27/2017

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2017 Regular Session

Recognizing and finding that pornography is a public health crisis leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms. [SCR-4]
Recognizing and finding that pornography is a public health crisis leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer House Of Representatives Concurred In Resolution As Amended, Passed, Yeas 65, Nays 0. H.j. 224 on 01/31/2017

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