House Bill 2124 - Explanation
House Bill 2124 - Explanation
This bill is proposing a change to the way members of the House of Delegates are elected in West Virginia. Currently, in districts with more than one delegate, all delegates are elected at large from the entire district. This bill suggests that starting in 2018, these districts will be divided into numbered divisions corresponding to the number of delegates in the district.
Each delegate will still be elected at large from the entire district. However, candidates will also be voted on within their specific numbered division. The candidate with the highest number of votes within each division will be nominated or elected. This means that each division will have its own candidate elected, instead of all delegates being elected based on total votes in the entire district.
The purpose of this bill is to provide a more localized representation within multi-member districts by ensuring that each division has a representative elected specifically by the voters within that division.