Rep. Jody Barrett


District HD-069
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 59

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to career and technical education. [HB-695]
As enacted, establishes the amount of an occupational educator scholarship awarded by the department to prospective educators seeking a Tennessee occupational teaching license as the cost of tuition and mandatory fees at the postsecondary institution attended less all other gift aid, which must be credited first to the eligible prospective educator's tuition and mandatory fees. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Lamberth Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 181 on 04/25/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 67-6-103, relative to distribution of revenues. [HB-789]
As introduced, increases, over a five-year period, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue appropriated to municipalities; reduces, over a five-year period, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund. - Amends TCA Section 67-6-103.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Farmer Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee Of Finance, Ways, And Means Committee on 04/18/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 55, Chapter 3; Title 55, Chapter 4 and Title 55, Chapter 8, relative to operation of off-highway vehicles on certain roads. [HB-735]
As introduced, authorizes Class I and II off-highway vehicles to be operated on state highways with a posted speed limit of 55 mph or less. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 3; Title 55, Chapter 4 and Title 55, Chapter 8.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Hawk Def. To 2024 on 03/22/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 2, relative to political parties. [HB-732]
As introduced, prohibits a political party from requiring a person to pay a fee in order to run as that political party's candidate for public office. - Amends TCA Title 2.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jody Barrett Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee on 03/27/2024

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 8; Title 10; Title 33; Title 36; Title 38; Title 39; Title 40; Title 49; Title 50 and Title 70, relative to firearms. [HB-1005]
As introduced, renames enhanced and concealed handgun carry permits as enhanced and concealed firearm carry permits and authorizes a permit holder to carry any firearms, rather than handguns, that the permit holder legally owns or possesses; expands the circumstances in which a permit holder may carry a firearm. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 10; Title 33; Title 36; Title 38; Title 39; Title 40; Title 49; Title 50 and Title 70.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Hawk Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee Of Finance, Ways, And Means Committee on 04/18/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 16, Chapter 2, relative to judicial districts. [HB-905]
As enacted, adds one additional criminal court judge in the thirteenth judicial district, one additional circuit court judge in the nineteenth judicial district, and one additional circuit court judge in the twenty-second judicial district. - Amends TCA Title 16, Chapter 2.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Williams Effective Date(s) 05/11/2023 on 05/19/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 2; Title 9; Title 50, Chapter 6 and Title 68, Chapter 102, relative to firefighters. [HB-976]
As enacted, enacts the "James 'Dustin' Samples Act." - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 2; Title 9; Title 50, Chapter 6 and Title 68, Chapter 102.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 465 on 05/24/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, relative to weapons. [HB-795]
As introduced, limits the prohibition on a person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carrying a weapon on or about the person while inside any building in which judicial proceedings are in progress, by restricting the prohibition to just the rooms in which judicial proceedings are in progress. - Amends TCA Title 39.


Sponsored by: Rep. Clay Doggett Returned To The Clerk's Desk. on 03/21/2023

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13, relative to firearms. [HB-746]
As introduced, removes the authorization for an individual, corporation, business entity, or local, state, or federal government entity to prohibit the possession of weapons by a person who is at a meeting conducted by or on property owned, operated, or managed or under the control of the individual, corporation, business entity, or government entity; removes the criminal offense of possession of a weapon in a building or on property that is properly posted. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Lynn Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Civil Justice Committee on 01/31/2024

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 113th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 36, Chapter 1; Title 37, Chapter 5 and Title 68, Chapter 11, relative to children. [HB-163]
As enacted, revises the definition of abandonment for purposes of termination of parental rights to include circumstances where the parent or guardian fails to visit or support the child for a period of three consecutive months if the child is less than four years of age. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 1; Title 37, Chapter 5 and Title 68, Chapter 11.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Williams Effective Date(s) 07/01/2023 on 05/18/2023

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