Rep. Geoff Foster


District HD-020
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 857

Sponsored Legislation

State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Initiative [HCR-11]
Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Initiative


Sponsored by: Rep. Justin Marcum Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Prohibiting the Governmental Taking of Private Property for Private Use Amendment [HJR-11]
Prohibiting the Governmental Taking of Private Property for Private Use Amendment


Sponsored by: Rep. Geoff Foster Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Providing for the redistricting office of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to propose redistricting plans during census years [HB-2383]
The purpose of this bill is to provide for the Redistricting Office of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to propose redistricting plans during census years. The main task of the Redistricting Office is to propose a plan to the Legislature which is based on Constitutional and legal requirements and considerations. The bill provides specific criteria that the redistricting office must observe in proposing district mappings. The bill requires the redistricting office to advertise a proposed draft map of districts to the public. The bill (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Espinosa Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Requiring the accumulation of one and one-half years of instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other founding American historical documents [HB-2421]
Requiring the accumulation of one and one-half years of instruction in the study of the Declaration of Independence and other founding American historical documents


Sponsored by: Sen. Rupert Phillips Filed For Introduction on 02/14/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Renaming the Court of Claims the state Claims Commission [HB-2447]
The purpose of this bill is to rename the Court of Claims the state Claims Commission, rename judges commissioners; modify definitions; provide explicit powers for the removal of commissioners; provide authority to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance for the hiring of a clerk, chief deputy clerk, and deputy clerks; and establish a shortened procedure for certain road condition claims. Â


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Armstead Chapter 29, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Developing a special hiring procedure for personnel positions in the Division of Highways [HB-2477]
The purpose of this bill is to require the Commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Highways and the Director of the West Virginia Division of Personnel to collaborate to develop a special hiring process for Division of Highways positions; to exempt the West Virginia Division of Highways from regular State Personnel Board Procedures upon implementation of the special hiring process; to establish requirements for the special hiring process; and to establish reporting requirements.


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Espinosa Filed For Introduction on 02/15/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Relating to the permit limit calculations and allowing overlapping mixing zones for calculating permit limits for drinking water criteria [HB-2506]
The purpose of this bill, in the implementation of water quality standards for the protection of drinking water; is to require permits limits to be calculated using design flows recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for protection of human health. The bill requires the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection to propose emergency revisions to its water quality standards. And, the bill also provides that draft permits and fact sheets are to be made available to permit applicants prior to public notice of (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Chapter 88, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Ensuring that local Convention and Visitor Center Bureaus have a board that is elected by a governing body [HB-2573]
The purpose of this bill is to ensure that local Convention and Visitor Center Bureaus have a board that is elected by a governing body.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Fast Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Relating to tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades [HB-2555]
The purpose of this bill is to remove the requirement that programs be jointly administered by labor and management trustees in order to qualify for tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades.


Sponsored by: Rep. Daryl Cowles Chapter 231, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Making unlawful any employer policy or rule prohibiting an employee from possessing a firearm inside a vehicle [HB-2562]
The purpose of this bill is to make unlawful any employer policy or rule prohibiting an employee from possessing a firearm inside a vehicle; provide criminal and civil penalties; provide injunctive relief; and create exceptions.


Sponsored by: Rep. Justin Marcum Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017

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