Sen. Matthew Deneen


District SD-010
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 29

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic. [SB-11]
Amend KRS 56.580 to prohibit closing portions of Capital Avenue in Frankfort; provide exceptions for emergency personnel.


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Received In House on 02/16/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to teacher certification and declaring an emergency. [SB-49]
Amend KRS 161.048, relating to alternative methods of teacher certification, to change the provisional certification period from two to four years for Option 6 and Option 7 for a total of five years; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 54) on 03/22/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION expressing serious concerns regarding the operations of the Department of Juvenile Justice. [SCR-31]
Create a work group to gather information and develop necessary policy regarding the Department of Juvenile Justice; urge the executive and judicial branches of the Commonwealth to promptly provide information and address the serious concerns of the General Assembly regarding the treatment and protection of juvenile offenders and staff of the Department of Juvenile Justice.


Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens Received In House on 02/07/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Ralph Alvarado to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. [SR-26]
Honor the extraordinary service of Senator Ralph Alvarado to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Adopted By Voice Vote on 01/06/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to hazing. [SB-9]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 508 to define "hazing," "student," and "organization"; establish a Class D felony of hazing in the first degree; establish a Class A misdemeanor of hazing in the second degree; amend KRS 164.7874 to remove eligibility for a KEES scholarship if convicted of hazing; provide that the Act may be referred to as Lofton's Law.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Mills Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 110) on 03/27/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION recognizing the fire districts serving Jefferson County for their excellent stewardship of public funds and their service in preserving life and property. [SR-56]
Honor the fire districts serving in Jefferson County.


Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams To Senate Floor on 02/08/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the operation of a motorcycle. [SB-60]
Amend KRS 176.5062, regarding approved motorcycle safety education courses, to exempt applicants for a motorcycle operator's license who have passed such a course from written and skills testing required under KRS 186.480; amend KRS 186.480 to conform; amend KRS 186.450 to exempt who individuals who have passed an approved motorcycle safety education course from the requirement to obtain an motorcycle instruction permit prior to obtaining a motorcycle operator's license; amend KRS 186.416 to allow military personnel stationed outside the state to (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Denise Harper Angel Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 17) on 03/17/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to small farm wineries and declaring an emergency. [SB-28]
Amend KRS 243.155 to allow a small farm winery to annually sell and deliver up to 30,000 gallons of wine to any retail license holder; require the small farm winery to register any of these products with the department unless they are already registered by a licensed wholesaler; direct the small farm winery to pay the wine wholesale tax and report self-distributed wines; exempt small farm winery wholesalers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 15) on 03/17/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools. [SB-24]
Amend KRS 164.7874 to include an equivalent score on the Classic Learning Test as a KEES supplemental amount; define "eligible noncertified school graduate"; amend definitions of "KEES award," "KEES award maximum," and "KEES base amount" for an eligible noncertified school graduate; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish an equivalent grade point average for eligible noncertified school graduates based on the graduate's ACT score; amend KRS 164.7884 to conform.


Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer Taken From Education (h) on 03/13/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. [SB-108]
Amend KRS 189.394 to eliminate all fines for speeding violations five miles per hour or less over the limit and require that a courtesy warning be given instead; amend KRS 189.725 to provide that the owner or attendant of a privately owned parking lot shall wait 24 hours before having a vehicle towed if a person experiences an incident on the property authorizing the removal of the vehicle; amend KRS 189.990 to establish that for violations of subsections (1) or (2) of KRS 189.040, subsection (1) of KRS 189.050, KRS 189.055, KRS 189.060, or KRS (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Wheeler Received In House on 03/15/2023

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