Rep. James Hieb


District HD-051
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 25

Sponsored Legislation

State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to abortion; prescribing an effective date. [HB-4042]
Requires physician who prescribes drugs for chemical abortion to provide certain information to person to whom drugs are prescribed. Requires physician who prescribes drugs for chemical abortion to provide certain information to person to whom drugs are prescribed. Requires Oregon Health Authority to publish on authority website specified information regarding possible reversal of chemical abortion. Allows specified persons to bring cause of action for actual and punitive damages. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to discrimination based on medical history; declaring an emergency. [HB-4069]
Prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation on basis of person's medical history. Prohibits discrimination in places of public accommodation on basis of person's medical history. Prohibits discrimination in education on basis of person's medical history. Prohibits school districts from requiring disclosure of student's medical history as condition of student attending school. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to exemption of medical items under corporate activity tax; prescribing an effective date. [HB-4094]
Exempts receipts from sales of prescription drugs and medical supplies or from provision of medical services from commercial activity subject to corporate activity tax. Exempts receipts from sales of prescription drugs and medical supplies or from provision of medical services from commercial activity subject to corporate activity tax. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to surgical technologists; and declaring an emergency. [HB-4106]
Allows person employed by health care facility to practice surgical technology if person has completed and is certified by specified apprenticeship program. Allows person employed by health care facility to practice surgical technology if person has completed and is certified by specified apprenticeship program. Becomes operative January 1, 2023. Directs State Apprenticeship and Training Council, in coordination with Bureau of Labor and Industries, to study registered apprenticeship programs in surgical technology. Requires report to interim committee (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans Chapter 65, (2022 Laws): Effective Date March 23, 2022. on 04/01/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to limitations on gubernatorial emergency powers. [HJR-206]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit ability of Governor to declare emergency or to exercise powers under declaration of emergency to only those powers granted by law and to 30 days' duration. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit ability of Governor to declare emergency or to exercise powers under declaration of emergency to only those powers granted by law and to 30 days' duration. Authorizes county governing bodies in counties subject to declaration of emergency to extend declaration of emergency in up to 30-day increments (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to veterans; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-4095]
Establishes Veterans Dental Program in Oregon Health Authority to provide oral health care to low-income veterans who reside in Oregon beginning in 2023. Establishes Veterans Dental Program in Oregon Health Authority to provide oral health care to low-income veterans who reside in Oregon beginning in 2023. Specifies eligibility requirements for program. Provides that character of discharge does not affect eligibility. Directs Department of Veterans' Affairs to create criteria for waiver to eligibility requirement that veteran be discharged or released (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans Chapter 61, (2022 Laws): Effective Date June 3, 2022. on 04/01/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to state moneys for school districts impacted by wildfires; and declaring an emergency. [HB-4026]
Directs Department of Education to award grants to wildfire-impacted school districts in amounts to cover funding decreases resulting from decreases in district average daily membership, as compared to 2019-2020 school year, that are caused by wildfires. Directs Department of Education to award grants to wildfire-impacted school districts in amounts to cover funding decreases resulting from decreases in district average daily membership, as compared to 2019-2020 school year, that are caused by wildfires. Sunsets on July 1, 2025. Establishes School (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 43, (2022 Laws): Effective Date March 23, 2022. on 04/01/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to appropriations for livestock loss; declaring an emergency. [HB-4127]
Appropriates moneys from General Fund to State Department of Agriculture for deposit in Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to State Department of Agriculture for deposit in Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to veterans. [HB-4082]
Directs county governing body of each county to designate person to ensure interment of unclaimed human remains of veteran or spouse, dependent or survivor of veteran. Directs county governing body of each county to designate person to ensure interment of unclaimed cremated or reduced] human remains of veteran or spouse, dependent or survivor of veteran. Limits civil liability except for gross negligence. Requires cemetery association] funeral establishment, crematory operator, cemetery authority, alternative disposition facility operator, licensed (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans At President's Desk Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2022 Legislative Measures

Relating to permanent physical injury. [HB-4108]
Establishes procedure for charging aggravated version of certain assault and attempted murder offenses when defendant causes permanent physical injury to victim during commission of crime. Establishes procedure for charging aggravated version of certain assault and attempted murder offenses when defendant causes permanent physical injury to victim during commission of crime. Provides that if defendant is convicted of aggravated offense, court shall sentence defendant to 300 months' imprisonment. Authorizes court to impose lesser sentence in certain (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022

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