Rep. Jackie Glass


District HD-089
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 105

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox. [HR-2]
Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Taken Up For Immediate Consideration on 01/12/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Thomas Michael Simcoe. [HJR-99]
Celebrating the life of Thomas Michael Simcoe. Celebrating the life of Thomas Michael Simcoe.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Agreed To By Senate on 01/27/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Housing authorities law; powers of legal entity, use of funds and tax credits. [HB-1216]
Housing Authorities Law; powers of legal entity; use of funds and tax credits. Requires any legal entity formed by a local redevelopment and housing authority to expend funds or utilize tax credits only in support of projects within its area of operation. The bill also provides that the books and records of any such legal entity shall be made available, upon request, to the local governing body or its designee. Housing Authorities Law; powers of legal entity; use of funds and tax credits. Requires any legal entity formed by a local redevelopment (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark Left In General Laws on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Guardianship and conservatorship; notice of hearing, cross-petitions. [HB-1212]
Guardianship and conservatorship; notice of hearing. Requires the notice of hearing for a guardianship or conservatorship petition to include a notice that any adult individual or entity whose name and post office address appears in the initial petition for appointment may become a party to the action by filing a pleading with the circuit court in which the guardianship or conservatorship proceeding is pending. Guardianship and conservatorship; notice of hearing. Requires the notice of hearing for a guardianship or conservatorship petition to include (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Michelle Lopes-Maldonado Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0278) on 04/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Minor victims of sex trafficking; arrest and prosecution. [HB-1213]
Minor victims of sex trafficking; arrest and prosecution; services. Provides that no minor shall be subject to arrest, delinquency charges, or prosecution for (i) a status offense, (ii) an act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, or (iii) an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult other than a violent juvenile felony if the minor (a) is a victim of sex trafficking or severe forms of trafficking and (b) committed such offense as a direct result of being solicited, invited, recruited, encouraged, forced, intimidated, or (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Angelia Williams Graves Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Va. Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latino, and Indigenous Education Advisory Board; established. [HB-1179]
Virginia Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latino, and Indigenous Education Advisory Board; establishment. Establishes the 29-member Virginia Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latino, and Indigenous Education Advisory Board as an advisory board in the executive branch of state government for the purpose of advising the Governor, his Cabinet members, and the General Assembly on the current ways that Asian American, Pacific Islander, Latino, and Indigenous history is described in the relevant Standards of Learning and associated curriculum frameworks; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Education on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Seizure first aid information; Department of Labor and Industry to disseminate information. [HB-1178]
Department of Labor and Industry; seizure first aid information. Directs the Department of Labor and Industry to disseminate information regarding seizure first aid, defined in the bill, to all employers and employees in the Commonwealth and requires all employers of 25 or more employees to physically post this information in a prominent location in the workplace. The bill incorporates the "Good Samaritan" provision of the Code of Virginia that shields a person from liability when rendering emergency care in good faith under certain circumstances. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0162) on 04/07/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Health carriers; denial of coverage, quarterly report, sunset provisions. [HB-1174]
Health carriers; denial of coverage; quarterly report. Requires each health carrier in the Commonwealth to submit to the State Corporation Commission on a quarterly basis a report of all first-time denials of coverage, including denials based on preexisting conditions and experimental or investigational treatments. The bill states that a health carrier must inform a covered person of his right to an internal appeal or, if applicable, an external review, upon issuing a denial of coverage. The bill has an expiration date of July 1, 2024.


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Commerce And Energy on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board; established, report. [HB-952]
Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board. Establishes the Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board to advise the Governor on ways to improve economic and cultural links between the Commonwealth and African nations, with a focus on the areas of commerce and trade, agriculture, art, education, and government. The Board is composed of 18 nonlegislative citizen members, of whom at least 15 must be persons who identify as part of the African diaspora, to be appointed by the Governor. The Secretaries of Agriculture and Forestry, Commerce and Trade, and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Left In Appropriations on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of the Honorable Arthur R. Giesen, Jr. [HJR-114]
Celebrating the life of the Honorable Arthur R. Giesen, Jr.


Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts Agreed To By Senate on 01/27/2022

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