Rep. Irene Shin


District HD-086
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 102

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Community Living, Family & Individual Support, and Building Independence waivers; DMAS to study, etc [HJR-85]
Study; Department of Medical Assistance Services; feasibility of a spend down provision for the Community Living, Family and Individual Support, and Building Independence waivers; report. Requests the Department of Medical Assistance Services to study the feasibility of implementing a spend down provision for the Community Living, Family and Individual Support, and Building Independence waivers. The Department shall complete its work by November 30, 2022.


Sponsored by: Rep. Irene Shin Left In Rules on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Public accommodations, employment, and housing; prohibited discrimination on the basis of religion. [HB-1063]
Public accommodations, employment, and housing; prohibited discrimination on the basis of religion; includes outward religious expression. Clarifies that "religion" as it relates to freedom of expression includes any outward expression of religious faith in contexts where discrimination on the basis of religion is prohibited.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0799) on 05/27/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Broadband providers and public utilities; late payment fees restricted. [HB-1052]
Broadband providers and public utilities; late payment fees restricted. Prohibits a broadband provider or a public utility from charging (i) a residential customer a late payment fee or similar penalty that exceeds the lesser of 2.5 percent of the balance due or $5 or (ii) any interest on a residential customer's outstanding balance. The bill provides that "public utility" includes utilities that are not subject to the jurisdiction of the State Corporation Commission and that provide electric, gas, or water or wastewater service in the Commonwealth.


Sponsored by: Rep. Irene Shin Stricken From Docket By Commerce And Energy (21-y 0-n) on 02/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Breeding dogs or cats for foreign animal testing facility; prohibited, penalty. [HB-1061]
Breeding dogs or cats for foreign animal testing facility prohibited; penalty. Prohibits a person from breeding or raising a dog or cat for the purpose of selling or transferring the dog or cat, or its offspring, to an animal testing facility outside of the United States. A violation of the bill is a Class 1 misdemeanor.


Sponsored by: Rep. Marcus Simon Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Correctional facilities, local; fees associated with inmates. [HB-1053]
Local correctional facilities; fees. Directs the State Board of Local and Regional Jails (the Board) to convene a work group to study implementation of the reduction or elimination of certain fees associated with inmates in local correctional facilities. The bill provides that the work group shall consist of two members of the House Committee on Public Safety who are not members of the same political party and two members of the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services who are not members of the same political party. Such legislative (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Continued To 2022 Sp. Sess. 1 Pursuant To Hjr455 on 03/12/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox. [HR-2]
Commending the Honorable M. Kirkland Cox.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Taken Up For Immediate Consideration on 01/12/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Residential customers; disconnection prohibitions for certain utilities. [HB-1054]
Disaster or emergency; weather extremes; disconnection prohibitions for certain utilities; residential customers; report. Prohibits telecommunications electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities and broadband companies from disconnecting service to a residential customer for nonpayment of bills or fees during a declared state of emergency, emergency, major disaster, disaster, resource shortage, or local emergency, as those terms are defined in the Code. The bill provides that the prohibition lasts for 60 days after the state of emergency, emergency, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Commerce And Energy on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Commending George Mason University. [HJR-34]
Commending George Mason University.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Agreed To By Senate By Voice Vote on 01/27/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Commending The Arc of Northern Virginia. [HJR-20]
Commending The Arc of Northern Virginia.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Agreed To By Senate By Voice Vote on 01/20/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board; established, report. [HB-952]
Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board. Establishes the Virginia African Diaspora Advisory Board to advise the Governor on ways to improve economic and cultural links between the Commonwealth and African nations, with a focus on the areas of commerce and trade, agriculture, art, education, and government. The Board is composed of 18 nonlegislative citizen members, of whom at least 15 must be persons who identify as part of the African diaspora, to be appointed by the Governor. The Secretaries of Agriculture and Forestry, Commerce and Trade, and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Left In Appropriations on 02/15/2022

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