Libraries; assessment for costs in civil actions, disbursement for law libraries. [HB-13]
Libraries; assessment for costs in civil actions; disbursement for law libraries. Increases from $4 to $7 the maximum assessment a county, city, or town may make as part of the costs incident to each civil action filed in the courts located within its boundaries. Such funds are disbursed by a locality's governing body for the establishment, use, and maintenance of its law library.
HB-13: Libraries; assessment for costs in civil actions, disbursement for law libraries.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Failed To Report (defeated) In Courts Of Justice (10-y 10-n) on 02/07/2022
School security officers; scope of employment, certain veterans permitted to carry. [HB-8]
School security officers; scope of employment; School security officers; scope of employment; carrying firearm in performance of duties. Provides that each school security officer, in addition to performing each enumerated duty, is responsible for carrying out any other duty assigned to him by the local school board, excluding enforcement of discipline reserved solely and exclusively to school administrators. The bill permits a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if (i) within 10 years immediately prior to
HB-8: School security officers; scope of employment, certain veterans permitted to carry.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Passed By Indefinitely In Rules (13-y 3-n) on 03/04/2022
Resident concealed handgun permits; fees. [HB-10]
Fees for resident concealed handgun permits. Eliminates the fees that may be charged for the processing of an application for or issuing of a resident concealed handgun permit, including any costs associated with the clerk's consultation with law-enforcement agencies.
HB-10: Resident concealed handgun permits; fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker
Left In Appropriations on 02/15/2022
Concealed handgun permits; penalties. [HB-11]
Concealed handgun permits; penalties. Changes the penalty for a first violation of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit from a Class 1 misdemeanor to a civil penalty of not more than $100, a second violation from a Class 6 felony to a Class 2 misdemeanor, and a third or subsequent violation from a Class 5 felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor. The bill also provides that a person, unless otherwise disqualified, shall not be precluded from applying for a concealed handgun permit during the pendency of the proceedings for a violation. If such person
HB-11: Concealed handgun permits; penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Governor's Recommendation Received By House on 02/21/2022
Public school buildings; limits entry points, screening individuals. [HB-12]
Public school buildings; entry points; limits; screening. Requires each local school board to (i) limit to the lowest feasible number the entry points in each public school building in the local school division, (ii) ensure that each individual who seeks to enter any school building in the local school division is screened with a handheld metal detector wand by a school security officer or another appropriate school board employee who is appropriately trained in such method of screening, (iii) require each such school security officer or other appropriate
HB-12: Public school buildings; limits entry points, screening individuals.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Left In Education on 02/15/2022
Handguns; limitation on purchases. [HB-14]
Purchase of handguns; limitation on handgun purchases. Removes the prohibition on any person who is not a licensed firearms dealer from purchasing more than one handgun in a 30-day period. Current law makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for a violation of this provision, subject to certain exemptions.
HB-14: Handguns; limitation on purchases.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker
Left In Rules on 02/15/2022
Earned sentence credits; possession of child pornography. [HB-25]
Earned sentence credits; possession of child pornography. Excludes a first offense for the crime of possession of child pornography from the crimes that will eligible for enhanced sentencing credits effective July 1, 2022.
HB-25: Earned sentence credits; possession of child pornography.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (9-y 6-n) on 02/28/2022
Firearms; control by localities of possession or carrying. [HB-26]
Control of firearms by localities. Removes Control of firearms by localities. Removes the authority for a locality by ordinance to prohibit the possession or carrying of firearms, ammunition, or components or any combination thereof in (i) any building, or part thereof, owned or used by such locality for governmental purposes; (ii) any public park owned or operated by the locality; (iii) any recreation or community center facility; or (iv) any public street, road, alley, or sidewalk or public right-of-way or any other place of whatever nature that
HB-26: Firearms; control by localities of possession or carrying.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ronnie Campbell
Left In Public Safety on 02/15/2022
COVID-19 vaccination status; mandatory COVID-19 vaccination prohibited, discrimination prohibited. [HB-27]
COVID-19 vaccination status; mandatory COVID-19 vaccination prohibited; discrimination prohibited. Prohibits the State Health Commissioner and the Board of Health, the Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, the Department of Health Professions and any regulatory board therein, and the Department of Social Services from requiring any person to undergo vaccination for COVID-19 and prohibits discrimination based on a person's COVID-19 vaccination status with regard to education or public employment and in numerous other contexts.
School boards; employment of at least one school resource officer in public middle and high school. [HB-37]
School boards; school resource officers; employment; threat assessment. Requires each school board to enter into a collaborative agreement with the local law-enforcement agency to employ at least one school resource officer in each public middle and high school in the local school division and at least one school resource officer per five public elementary schools in the local school division, who is required to serve in each such elementary school on a rotating basis. The bill also requires each division superintendent to include on the threat
HB-37: School boards; employment of at least one school resource officer in public middle and high school.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Left In Education on 02/15/2022