West Virginia Healthy Food Crop Block Grant Program [HB-2869]
The purpose of this bill is to establish the West Virginia Healthy Food Crop Block Grant Program. The program will provide an incentive of up to $10,000 per year to eligible West Virginia farmers who commit to growing fruits and vegetables that serve community health initiatives. Produce from the healthy food crop block grants will be managed in real-time within a statewide inventory system administered by a food and farm nonprofit organization and delivered straight to hospitals, senior food services, “farmacies”, kid's markets, nutrition programs,
HB-2869: West Virginia Healthy Food Crop Block Grant Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Chad Lovejoy
Filed For Introduction on 01/08/2020
State Redistricting Commission [HJR-22]
The purpose of this resolution is to propose an amendment to the State Constitution that would allow citizens to participate directly in the formation of legislative districts by creating a nonpartisan citizen commission which will hold public hearings around the state and present redistricting legislation to the Legislature.
HJR-22: State Redistricting Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Allen Evans
Filed For Introduction on 01/08/2020