Rep. Kevin McCabe


District HD-030
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 27

Sponsored Legislation

State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Payment Of Wages; Payroll Card Account [HB-203]
An Act relating to wage payments.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Prax Vetoed By Governor 7/30/24 on 08/01/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Schools:overdose Drugs, Correspond Prgrms [HB-202]
An Act relating to the availability and administration of opioid overdose drugs in public schools; relating to correspondence study programs; and relating to allotments for correspondence study programs; and relating to an annual report relating to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grants and opioid overdose drug distribution; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Kawasaki Manifest Error(s) on 06/11/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Fisheries Rehabilitation Permit/project [HB-169]
An Act relating to certain fish; and establishing a fisheries rehabilitation permit.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Rauscher Referred To Resources on 05/08/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Restorative Justice Acct Appropriations [HB-116]
An Act relating to grants and costs funded by the restorative justice account; relating to the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Josephson Nr: Wielechowski, Merrick, Bjorkman on 05/12/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 33rd Legislature

Critical Natural Resources; Reports [SB-118]
An Act relating to critical and essential minerals.


Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Kawasaki Effective Date(s) Of Law 11/28/24 on 10/09/2024

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Insurance Discrimination Elected Official [HB-5]
An Act prohibiting certain insurance decisions based solely on a person's status as an elected official.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Rauscher Prefile Released 1/10/25 on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Port Of Southcentral Ak; Port Authority [HB-7]
An Act relating to the Port of Southcentral Alaska; establishing the Port of Southcentral Alaska Authority to manage and operate the Port of Southcentral Alaska; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Rauscher Prefile Released 1/10/25 on 01/22/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

State Fund Fiduc Duty:social/pol Interest [HB-6]
An Act restricting fiduciary actions by a fiduciary of a state fund, the Alaska Retirement Management Board, and the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board that have the purpose of furthering social, political, or ideological interests.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Vance Cosponsor(s): Vance on 03/26/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Specie As Legal Tender [HB-1]
An Act relating to specie as legal tender in the state; and relating to borough and city sales and use taxes on specie.


Sponsored by: Rep. DeLena Johnson Cosponsor(s): Rauscher on 01/31/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Hold Legislative Sessions In Anchorage [HB-3]
An Act relating to convening the legislature in Anchorage; relating to the regulation of lobbying; relating to annual student guests of the legislature; relating to locations of sessions of the legislature; relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; relating to the relocation of functions of state government; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy Tilton Prefile Released 1/10/25 on 01/22/2025

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