Rep. Rebecca Alexander


District HD-007
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 68

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 29, Chapter 20, relative to governmental tort liability. [HB-1310]
As introduced, sets certain limits on economic damages recoverable under the governmental tort liability act. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 20.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Alexander P2c, Ref. To Civil Justice Committee on 02/24/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 29; Title 39 and Title 47, Chapter 18, relative to social media websites. [HB-1113]
As introduced, defines "social media website" for the purposes of the Consumer Protection Act of 1977. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 29; Title 39 and Title 47, Chapter 18.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Alexander P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt. on 02/22/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 10; Title 12, Chapter 6 and Title 39, Chapter 16, relative to governmental records. [HB-1057]
As introduced, clarifies that government records unlawfully removed from a government records office be returned to their office of origin within two business days of the time safeguards are established to prevent further recurrence of unlawful removal. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 10; Title 12, Chapter 6 and Title 39, Chapter 16.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Alexander P2c, Ref. To State Government Committee on 02/22/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to honor David Leatherwood upon the occasion of his retirement. [HJR-95]
David Leatherwood


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant Signed By Governor. on 03/03/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 7-82-401; Section 68-221-1017 and Section 68-221-1010, relative to utilities. [HB-651]
As enacted, redefines "change in net position" for purposes of financially distressed utility districts and water or wastewater facilities; corrects a reference that should be to a petition for a new utility system. - Amends TCA Section 7-82-401; Section 68-221-1017 and Section 68-221-1010.


Sponsored by: Rep. Patsy Hazlewood Pub. Ch. 226 on 05/03/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to honor the memory of Ronald Lee Grubbs, Sr., of Bristol. [HJR-75]
Ronald Lee Grubbs, Sr.


Sponsored by: Rep. John Crawford Signed By Governor. on 03/03/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 29, Chapter 28 and Title 53, relative to feminine hygiene product donation. [HB-640]
As enacted, specifies that a good faith donor of apparently usable feminine hygiene products to a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization for distribution to persons in need of the product is not subject to criminal or civil liability in the absence of gross negligence or intentional misconduct. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 28 and Title 53.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Alexander Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 207 on 05/03/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 70, Chapter 2, relative to lifetime sportsman licenses. [HB-641]
As enacted, creates a lifetime sportsman license for adopted children, under the age of 13; provides that the child's guardian must apply for the license on the child's behalf within 36 months from the adoption; provides that the fish and wildlife commission will set the license fee. - Amends TCA Title 70, Chapter 2.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Keisling Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 241 on 05/04/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 33; Title 53; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to health. [HB-435]
As introduced, changes from seven to 10 days the number of days prior to a vote on marketing strategies or strategic plans that a hospital subject to the open meetings law must make records related to the strategy available for public inspection. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 33; Title 53; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.


Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Alexander P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt. on 02/10/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to honor the men and women of the Tennessee National Guard who served at the presidential inauguration. [HR-7003]
Tennessee National Guard


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver R/s Intro., Adopted V.v. on 01/22/2021

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