Relating generally to teacher-pupil ratios [HB-3088]
The purpose of this bill is to remove teacher-pupil ratio requirements for grade six classes, and require the West Virginia Board of Education to collect and report class size information and number of pupils per teacher for grade six classes to the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability.
HB-3088: Relating generally to teacher-pupil ratios
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean
On 3rd Reading, Special Calendar on 03/28/2017
You have voted HB-3078: Establishing a merit-based Katherine Johnson Hope Scholarship program to provide tuition and fee payments for certain qualified students.
You have voted HB-3096: Relating to operation and regulation of certain water and sewer utilities owned or operated by political subdivisions of the state.
Encouraging mastery-based education through the Innovation In Schools program [HB-3061]
The purpose of this bill is to encourage a limited cohort of schools to implement mastery-based education through the Innovation In Education program. The initial cohort size is not more than twenty schools. The Department of Education is given a range of duties from the identification of barriers and potential solutions to developing an incubator process to support schools awarded an Innovation In Schools/Mastery-Based grant. The schools must meet the same requirements and accountability as other Innovation In Education schools.
HB-3061: Encouraging mastery-based education through the Innovation In Schools program
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Baldwin
On 3rd Reading on 04/08/2017
HJR-24: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of West Virginia relating to education, and providing for the election of members of the State Board of Education
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Armstead
With Amendment, Be Adopted, But First To Judiciary on 03/21/2017
You have voted HJR-24: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of West Virginia relating to education, and providing for the election of members of the State Board of Education.