Driving privileges, certain; Commissioner of DMV to reinstate privileges and waive fees. [HB-2284]
Reinstatement of certain driving privileges. Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles to reinstate driving privileges, and to waive fees related to the reinstatement, for individuals whose privileges were suspended prior to July 1, 2019, for failure to pay court fines and costs in other jurisdictions.
HB-2284: Driving privileges, certain; Commissioner of DMV to reinstate privileges and waive fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Transportation (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Court appearance of a person not free on bail; changes to provisions regarding bail hearings, etc. [HB-2286]
Court appearance of a person not free on bail. Makes various changes to provisions regarding bail hearings, including (i) the appointment of counsel for the accused, (ii) the information provided to counsel for the accused, (iii) a requirement that counsel for the accused be provided with adequate time to confer with the accused prior to any bail hearing, and (iv) the compensation of counsel for the accused. Effective in due course, the bill provides that the chief judge in each circuit shall create a plan to be completed by October 1, 2021, that
HB-2286: Court appearance of a person not free on bail; changes to provisions regarding bail hearings, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Levine
Left In Appropriations on 02/05/2021
Va. Public Procurement Act; construction contracts, requirement to submit list of subcontractors. [HB-2288]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; construction contracts; requirement to submit list of subcontractors. Requires bidders or offerors on contracts for construction of $250,000 or more to submit along with their bid or proposal a list of all subcontractors, regardless of tier, that the bidder or offeror intends at the time of submitting the bid or proposal to use on the contract to perform work valued at $50,000 or more, including labor and materials. The bill requires such list to include certain information about each contractor. The bill also requires
HB-2288: Va. Public Procurement Act; construction contracts, requirement to submit list of subcontractors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In General Laws And Technology (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; deputy sheriffs. [HB-2291]
Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; deputy sheriffs. Adds a sheriff's office to those law-enforcement agencies that may be overseen by a law-enforcement civilian oversight body created by a locality and adds a nonprobationary deputy sheriff of a sheriff’s office to those law-enforcement officers who are subject to such body if created by a locality. The bill provides that any disciplinary determinations made by the law-enforcement civilian oversight body on any nonprobationary deputy sheriff shall be advisory only and that if the sheriff's
Clean energy and other programs; local financing when owner costs are incurred. [HB-1859]
Local financing of clean energy and other programs; when owner costs are incurred. Changes the parameters for local ordinances authorizing loan contracts for the installation by property owners of clean energy, resiliency, or stormwater management improvements. The bill provides that if the property owner incurred the costs of improvements to be refinanced or reimbursed within two years of the locality's issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other evidence that the clean energy, resiliency, or stormwater management improvements comply substantially
HB-1859: Clean energy and other programs; local financing when owner costs are incurred.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Enrolled on 02/08/2021
Trees; replacement and conservation during development, effective date. [HB-2042]
Replacement and conservation of trees during development. Gives a locality the ability to exceed general requirements in its tree replacement and conservation ordinances in specific circumstances, including development that impacts stormwater permit requirements, recurrent flooding, formerly redlined areas, and comprehensive plan compliance. The provisions of the bill shall become effective July 1, 2022. Replacement and conservation of trees during development. Gives a locality the ability to exceed general requirements in its tree replacement
HB-2042: Trees; replacement and conservation during development, effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Local Government (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Alcoholic beverage control; license fee reform. [HB-1845]
Alcoholic beverage control; license fee reform; delay; emergency. Delays the effective date of the 2020 alcoholic beverage control license and fee reform from July 1, 2021, to January 1, 2022. During the period of delay and subject to certain requirements, the bill allows on-premises wine or beer licensees to sell wine or beer for off-premises consumption and allows such licensees, as well as off-premises wine or beer licensees, to deliver wine or beer that the licensee is authorized to sell without a delivery permit. The bill contains a technical