Rep. Lacey Hull


District HD-138
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 123

Sponsored Legislation

State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and to the duties of a justice of the peace or other investigator regarding unidentified bodies. [HB-1419]
Relating to the duties of a law enforcement agency regarding missing children and missing persons and to the duties of a justice of the peace or other investigator regarding unidentified bodies.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Tinderholt Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/04/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Commending the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. [HR-161]
Commending the Prison Entrepreneurship Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lacey Hull Reported Enrolled on 03/18/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the statement of residence required to vote. [HB-2197]
Relating to the statement of residence required to vote.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Committee Report Printed And Distributed on 05/21/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the prosecution of a criminal offense prohibiting certain weapons on the premises of a polling place. [HB-2229]
Relating to the prosecution of a criminal offense prohibiting certain weapons on the premises of a polling place.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lacey Hull Read First Time on 03/15/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to prohibition of abortion; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. [HB-1280]
Relating to prohibition of abortion; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst See Remarks For Effective Date on 06/16/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to patient safety practices regarding placenta accreta spectrum disorder. [HB-1164]
Relating to patient safety practices regarding placenta accreta spectrum disorder.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/15/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place. [HB-530]
Relating to the applicability to election judges of a prohibition on the carrying of a handgun at a polling place.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Tinderholt Referred To State Affairs on 05/03/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to certain procedures relating to children placed under a parental child safety placement. [HB-2680]
Relating to certain procedures relating to children placed under a parental child safety placement.


Sponsored by: Rep. Candy Noble Referred To Health & Human Services on 05/06/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to limitations on pelvic examinations; authorizing disciplinary action, including an administrative penalty. [HB-1434]
Relating to limitations on pelvic examinations; authorizing disciplinary action, including an administrative penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Effective On 9/1/21 on 06/04/2021

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State (Texas)
Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. [HCR-52]
Claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.


Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button Postponed 4/21/22 10:00 Am on 05/19/2021

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