Students w/ disabilities; Dept. of Education to update its special education and related services. [HB-2316]
Department of Education and Board of Education; special education and related services for students with disabilities. Requires the Department of Education to update its special education eligibility worksheets as necessary, including clarifying any ambiguity or vagueness in eligibility criteria, and provide to each local school division the appropriate level of guidance on eligibility determinations for special education and related services. The bill requires the Board of Education to amend its regulations to ensure that each education preparation
HB-2316: Students w/ disabilities; Dept. of Education to update its special education and related services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Candi Mundon King
Read Third Time And Passed House Block Vote (100-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
State Air Pollution Control Board; low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle program. [HB-1965]
State Air Pollution Control Board; low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle program. Directs the State Air Pollution Control Board to implement a low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle program for motor vehicles with a model year of 2025 and later. Regulations adopted by the Board to implement the program are exempt from the Administrative Process Act and shall not become effective prior to January 1, 2024. The bill also authorizes the State Corporation Commission to exclude sales related to such vehicles from certain energy efficiency calculations.
HB-1965: State Air Pollution Control Board; low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Commerce And Labor (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Electric utilities; expands existing broadband capacity pilot program. [HB-1923]
Electric utilities; broadband capacity pilot program. Expands an existing pilot program under which Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power are authorized to provide or make available broadband capacity to Internet service providers in areas of the Commonwealth that are unserved by broadband to include municipal Internet service providers. The current program is restricted to nongovernmental Internet service providers.
HB-1923: Electric utilities; expands existing broadband capacity pilot program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Commerce And Labor (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Funding local health departments; cooperative local health budget, report. [HB-1963]
Cooperative local health budget; report. Provides that funding for local health departments shall consist of such state funds as may be allocated for the operation of the local health department together with local matching funds and estimated self-generated local service revenues, the total amount of which shall constitute the cooperative local health budget available to a local department of health, and that the amount of local matching funds for which a county or city is responsible shall be based on the county's or city's revenue generation
HB-1963: Funding local health departments; cooperative local health budget, report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Education And Health (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Commercial sex trafficking; issuance of writ of vacatur for victims. [HB-2133]
Issuance of writ of vacatur for victims of commercial sex trafficking. Establishes a procedure for victims of sex trafficking to file a petition of vacatur in circuit court to have certain convictions vacated and the police and court records expunged for such convictions. The bill requires the court to grant the writ and vacate a qualifying offense if it finds the petitioner (i) was convicted or adjudicated delinquent of a qualifying offense and (ii) committed the qualifying offense as a direct result of being a victim of sex trafficking, as defined
HB-2133: Commercial sex trafficking; issuance of writ of vacatur for victims.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Judiciary (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Virginia Redistricting Commission; removing a citizen commissioner for neglect, etc. [HB-2324]
Virginia Redistricting Commission; removal of commissioners; emergency. Provides for the removal of a commissioner from the Virginia Redistricting Commission for neglect of duty or gross misconduct. Removal would require affirmative votes of at least six of the eight legislative commissioners and at least six of the eight citizen commissioners. Such a vote is required to be recorded and taken in a public meeting. The bill contains an emergency clause. Virginia Redistricting Commission; removal of commissioners; emergency. Provides for the removal
HB-2324: Virginia Redistricting Commission; removing a citizen commissioner for neglect, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Privileges And Elections (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
Va. Missing Child w/ Autism Alert Program; renames Va. Missing Person w/ Autism Program. [HB-2216]
Virginia Missing Person with Autism Alert Program. Renames the Virginia Missing Child with Autism Alert Program to the Virginia Missing Person with Autism Alert Program and expands it to apply to any missing person with autism, regardless of age. The bill defines "a missing person with autism" as any person (i) whose whereabouts are unknown; (ii) who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as defined by the Code of Virginia; and (iii) whose disappearance poses a credible threat to the safety and health of the person.
Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures, Task Force on; established, report. [HB-2111]
Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures; report. Directs the State Health Commissioner to establish the Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures for the purpose of evaluating maternal health data collection processes to guide policies in the Commonwealth to improve maternal care, quality, and outcomes for all birthing people in the Commonwealth. The bill directs the Task Force to report its findings and conclusions to the Governor and General Assembly by December 1 of each year regarding its activities and states that
HB-2111: Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures, Task Force on; established, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Education And Health (15-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021
State parks; DCR to develop recommendations for funding, report. [HB-1804]
State parks; Department of Conservation and Recreation; recommendations for funding. Directs the Department of Conservation and Recreation to develop recommendations for dedicated sources of funding for state parks that will be relatively stable from year to year. The Department shall submit its recommendations to the Chairmen of the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources, the House Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources, and the Senate Committee on Finance and
HB-1804: State parks; DCR to develop recommendations for funding, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Orrock
Continued To 2021 Sp. Sess. 1 In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2021