Rep. Ricardo Ruiz


District HD-050
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 70

Sponsored Legislation

State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement; and declaring an emergency. [SB-778]
Establishes Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement to operate statewide immigrant and refugee integration strategy. Establishes Office of Immigrant and Refugee Advancement to implement and oversee] operate statewide immigrant and refugee integration strategy. Directs Governor to appoint director of office.] Provides that director of office is chosen through open hiring process. Appropriates funds to office. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Effective Date, July 19, 2021. on 08/20/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to collective bargaining rights of legislative employees. [SB-759]
Directs presiding officers of each house of Legislative Assembly to represent legislative department in collective bargaining negotiations with legislative department employee bargaining units. Directs Legislative Administrator] presiding officers of each house of Legislative Assembly to represent legislative department in collective bargaining negotiations with legislative department employee bargaining units. Permits presiding officers to delegate collective bargaining responsibility to chief negotiator. Clarifies that only state agencies within (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans Effective Date, January 1, 2022. on 08/20/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to student mental health; declaring an emergency. [HB-2369]
Directs Department of Education to develop statewide mental and behavioral health care plan for students. Directs Department of Education to develop statewide mental and behavioral health care plan for students. Sunsets December 31, 2026. Directs recipients of grants from Fund for Student Success to provide trauma-informed mental health care when meeting students' mental and behavioral health needs. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tawna Sanchez In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to feminine hygiene products in public schools; and declaring an emergency. [HB-3294]
Requires every public education provider to provide both tampons and sanitary pads at no cost to students. Requires every public education provider to provide both tampons and sanitary pads at no cost to students. Phases in requirement. Provides funding for costs incurred by public education provider. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2021.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 635, (2021 Laws): Effective Date July 27, 2021. on 09/25/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to health care; and declaring an emergency. [HB-2010]
Directs Oregon Health Authority, in collaboration with Department of Consumer and Business Services, to create implementation plan for public health plan to be made available to individuals and families in individual health insurance market and to small employers. Directs Oregon Health Authority, in collaboration with Department of Consumer and Business Services, to create implementation plan for public health plan to be made available to individuals and families in individual health insurance market and to small employers. Requires authority and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 507, (2021 Laws): Effective Date July 19, 2021. on 09/25/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to providing information to employees about the public service loan forgiveness program; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-3255]
Directs education employer to provide materials and assistance to eligible employees concerning public service loan forgiveness program. Directs education employer to provide materials and assistance to eligible employees concerning public service loan forgiveness program. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 261, (2021 Laws): Effective Date September 25, 2021. on 09/25/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to addressing disparities; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-2007]
Allows Department of Consumer and Business Services to require implicit bias training for mortgage loan originators. Allows Department of Consumer and Business Services to require implicit bias training for mortgage loan originators. Establishes Joint Task Force on Addressing Racial Disparities in Home Ownership. Requires task force to report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly on or before September 15, 2022. Sunsets task force on December 31, 2022. Appropriates moneys to Legislative Policy and Research Committee to compensate task force.] (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 506, (2021 Laws): Effective Date September 25, 2021. on 09/25/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to Early Learning Division ombudsman. [HB-3215]
Establishes ombudsman for early childhood care and education providers. Establishes ombudsman for early childhood care and education providers. Prescribes duties of ombudsman.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to pediatric mental health disorders. [HB-2390]
Requires health benefit plan and health care service contract coverage of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome. Requires health benefit plan and health care service contract coverage of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to identification card fees; and declaring an emergency. [HB-3026]
Directs Department of Transportation to waive fee for issuing, renewing or replacing identification card if person who is issued card is experiencing homelessness. Directs Department of Transportation to waive fee for issuing, renewing or replacing identification card if person who is issued card is experiencing homelessness. Becomes operative January 1, 2022. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon Chapter 249, (2021 Laws): Effective Date June 11, 2021. on 09/25/2021

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