AN ACT relating to open records. [SB-201]
Amend KRS 61.880 to allow persons to complain to the Attorney General if the person feels that the intent of the open records law has been subverted by an agency by delaying past the three day time period for answering an open records request, or by excessive extensions of time.
SB-201: AN ACT relating to open records.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
Received In House on 03/04/2021
AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits. [SB-209]
Amend KRS 23A.040 (Effective January 2, 2023) to add a circuit judge to the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit; amend 24A.050 to remove a district judge from the Fifteenth Judicial District; specify election schedule for new judgeship; request that the additional circuit court judgeship be designated as a family court judgeship; request that the division removed from the Fifteenth District should be Division Two; Sections 1 to 2 EFFECTIVE January 2, 2023.
SB-209: AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Hornback
Introduced In Senate on 02/09/2021
AN ACT relating to hemp. [SB-217]
Amend KRS 260.858 to allow a person over 21 years of age to possess hemp leaf or floral material that has been certified by the Department of Agriculture; authorize the Department of Agriculture to promulgate administrative regulations for a hemp leaf and floral material certification process and labeling requirements for certified hemp leaf and floral material.
SB-217: AN ACT relating to hemp.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon
Introduced In Senate on 02/09/2021
AN ACT relating to statewide mobile food units. [SB-208]
Amend KRS 217.005, 217.125, 217.126, and 217.128 to establish standards for statewide mobile food units; create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to establish operational, inspection, and regulation standards for statewide mobile food units; amend KRS 217.136, 217.137, 304.17A-741; 315.010; and 411.600 to conform.
SB-208: AN ACT relating to statewide mobile food units.
Sponsored by: Sen. Morgan McGarvey
Introduced In Senate on 02/09/2021
SR-81: A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month and honoring keynote speaker of the annual Black History Celebration, Georgia State Representative Billy Mitchell.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Introduced In Senate on 02/10/2021
You have voted SR-81: A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month and honoring keynote speaker of the annual Black History Celebration, Georgia State Representative Billy Mitchell..
AN ACT relating to elections. [SB-244]
Amend KRS 117.125 and 117.381 to provide that a voting system shall not be connected to, nor have the ability to be connected to the Internet, a modem, or a network of any type.
SB-244: AN ACT relating to elections.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon
To State & Local Government (s) on 02/22/2021
AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms and declaring an emergency. [SB-254]
State legislative findings; create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to declare that all federal laws and regulations commandeering state or local law enforcement to enforce federal restrictions of firearms are invalid and of no effect in Kentucky and that the General Assembly has the duty to enact all measures to prevent their enforcement; that the General Assembly has the duty to protect and defend the state and federal constitutions; that proposed presidential actions relating to the acquisition, possession, and use of firearms and accessories
SB-254: AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brandon Storm
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 02/22/2021
AN ACT relating to state symbols. [SB-242]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to name and designate as the official pets of Kentucky domestic cats and dogs that reside in or have been adopted from Kentucky animal shelters or rescue organizations.
SB-242: AN ACT relating to state symbols.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Agriculture (s) on 02/22/2021
AN ACT relating to consumer protections. [SB-241]
Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; prohibit the manufacture and sale of certain kratom products and kratom extracts; prohibit financial institutions from denying services to kratom producers and kratom retailers; establish penalties.
SB-241: AN ACT relating to consumer protections.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
To Health & Welfare (s) on 02/22/2021