Rep. Victoria Spartz


District HD-IN-5
Party Republican
Twitter RepSpartz
Bills Introduced 28

Sponsored Legislation

US Congress 117th Congress

Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act [HB-38]
To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 03/01/2021

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Votes for: 31 Votes against: 1

US Congress 117th Congress

Honoring the bravery and self-sacrifice by officers of the United States Capitol Police and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies during the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol. [HR-39]
Honoring the bravery and self-sacrifice by officers of the United States Capitol Police and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies during the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 03/04/2021

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Votes for: 1 Votes against: 7

US Congress 117th Congress

Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act [HB-619]
To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 03/22/2021

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Votes for: 11 Votes against: 0

US Congress 117th Congress

Dignity for Aborted Children Act [HB-620]
To protect the dignity of fetal remains, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Health. on 02/02/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Expressing support for the designation of February 7 to 13, 2021, as "National Burn Awareness Week". [HR-110]
Expressing support for the designation of February 7 to 13, 2021, as "National Burn Awareness Week".


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Introduced In House on 02/05/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve. [HJR-12]
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On The Constitution, Civil Rights, And Civil Liberties. on 03/04/2021

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Votes for: 15 Votes against: 0

US Congress 117th Congress

Reopen Schools Act [HB-682]
To encourage local educational agencies to resume in-person instruction at elementary and secondary schools, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Scalise Introduced In House on 02/02/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Journalism Competition and Preservation Act of 2021 [HB-1735]
To provide a temporary safe harbor for publishers of online content to collectively negotiate with dominant online platforms regarding the terms on which content may be distributed.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Valadao Referred To The Subcommittee On Antitrust, Commercial, And Administrative Law. on 05/18/2021

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Votes for: 0 Votes against: 1

US Congress 117th Congress

Violence Against Women Extension Act of 2021 [HB-1892]
To reauthorize Department of Justice programs that combat violence against women, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Valadao Referred To The Subcommittee On Crime, Terrorism, And Homeland Security. on 05/18/2021

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Votes for: 1 Votes against: 0

US Congress 117th Congress

Wage Equity Act of 2021 [HB-2491]
To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to enhance provisions related to wage discrimination, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Valadao Introduced In House on 04/13/2021

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