Relating to veterans' communities. [HB-2153]
Directs Director of Veterans' Affairs to establish Oregon Veterans' Community, to include residential units and medical and social services for veterans and family members. Directs Director of Veterans' Affairs to establish Oregon Veterans' Community, to include residential units and medical and social services for veterans and family members. Directs director to contract with nongovernmental entity for construction, operation and management of veterans' community. Authorizes incorporated cities to acquire real property for sale or donation to Department
HB-2153: Relating to veterans' communities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021
Relating to liability for prescribed fires; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-2571]
Directs Department of Consumer and Business Services, in consultation with State Forestry Department, Oregon Forest and Industries Council, Oregon Small Woodlands Association, Oregon State University, Oregon Prescribed Fire Council and representative of insurance industry, to study liability for prescribed fires. Directs Department of Consumer and Business Services, in consultation with State Forestry Department, Oregon Forest and Industries Council, Oregon Small Woodlands Association, Oregon State University, and] Oregon Prescribed Fire Council
HB-2571: Relating to liability for prescribed fires; and prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Meek
Chapter 230, (2021 Laws): Effective Date September 25, 2021. on 09/25/2021
Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to public education. [HJR-8]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require Legislative Assembly, in each odd-numbered year regular session, to appropriate moneys to fund public education in first 60 days of session and before passing any other budget measure. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to require Legislative Assembly, in each odd-numbered year regular session, to appropriate moneys to fund public education in first 60 days of session and before passing any other budget measure. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next
HJR-8: Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to public education.
Sponsored by: Rep. Bill Post
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021
Relating to voluntary reduction of ground water use; declaring an emergency. [HB-2257]
Appropriates moneys to Water Resources Department for purposes of facilitating enrollment of lands in Harney Basin in federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, funding hydrologist position and measuring ground water levels in Harney Basin. Appropriates moneys to Water Resources Department for purposes of facilitating enrollment of lands in Harney Basin in federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, funding hydrologist position and measuring ground water levels in Harney Basin. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
HB-2257: Relating to voluntary reduction of ground water use; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gary Leif
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021
Relating to minimum residential lot sizes. [HB-2655]
Prohibits counties from establishing minimum lot size of more than one acre for residential zoned land. Prohibits counties from establishing minimum lot size of more than one acre for residential zoned land.
HB-2655: Relating to minimum residential lot sizes.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021
Relating to subsurface sewage disposal. [HB-2653]
Directs Environmental Quality Commission to adopt rules authorizing single-family dwelling and accessory dwelling unit constructed on same lot or parcel to be permanently connected to same subsurface sewage disposal system or alternative sewage disposal system. Directs Environmental Quality Commission to adopt rules authorizing single-family dwelling and accessory dwelling unit constructed on same lot or parcel to be permanently connected to same subsurface sewage disposal system or alternative sewage disposal system.
HB-2653: Relating to subsurface sewage disposal.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021
Relating to a tax credit for essential workers; prescribing an effective date. [HB-2784]
Establishes personal income tax credit for essential workers. Establishes personal income tax credit for essential workers. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, and before January 1, 2021. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB-2784: Relating to a tax credit for essential workers; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/26/2021