Sen. Page Walley


District SD-026
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 547

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to commend John David Douglas for his honorable and astute service to the people of Somerville. [SJR-12]
John David Douglas


Sponsored by: Sen. Page Walley Introduced, Passed On First Consideration on 02/11/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 11, Part 16, relative to certificates of need. [SB-21]
As introduced, creates a process by which the owner of a hospital closed for 15 years or less may submit an application to the health services and development agency to resume operations without a certificate of need in certain circumstances; requires the HSDA to review and notify the applicant of its determination within 60 days. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 11, Part 16.


Sponsored by: Sen. Rusty Crowe Withdrawn. on 01/20/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to commend Mayor Brenda Mitchell and the City of Moscow Alderpersons on their historic election as the first all-female, all-African-American governing body in the State of Tennessee. [SJR-13]
Mayor Brenda Mitchell and the City of Moscow Board of Alderpersons


Sponsored by: Sen. Page Walley Introduced, Passed On First Consideration on 02/11/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to create the Chester County solid waste disposal services. [SB-99]
Subject to local approval, authorizes the county to impose a solid waste disposal fee.


Sponsored by: Sen. Page Walley Comp. Became Pr. Ch. 2 on 04/12/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to congratulate William Lehman McKnight and Maurene Ouita Grimes McKnight on the celebration of their seventieth wedding anniversary. [SJR-44]
William Lehman McKnight and Maurene Ouita Grimes McKnight, 70th wedding anniversary


Sponsored by: Sen. Page Walley Transmitted To Governor For Action. on 02/11/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to honor and commend all medical personnel in Tennessee for their tireless and heroic efforts to protect the citizens of this State during the COVID-19 pandemic. [SJR-32]
Medical Personnel in Tennessee


Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Pody Signed By H. Speaker on 02/12/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 68, Chapter 11, relative to certificates of need. [SB-255]
As introduced, creates a process by which the owner of a hospital closed for 15 years or less may resume operations without a certificate of need in certain circumstances; allows the department of health to renew a hospital license under certain conditions; requires the department of health to review the license renewal application and notify the applicant of its determination within 60 days. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 11.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Pody Re-refer To Senate Cal. Comm. on 03/18/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 64, Chapter 1, Part 2, relative to the membership of the Chickasaw Basin Authority. [SB-276]
As enacted, expands the scope of the Chickasaw Basin Authority to include all counties located within the drainage area of the authority. - Amends TCA Title 64, Chapter 1, Part 2.


Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Rose Pub. Ch. 165 on 05/03/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 66, relative to transfers of real property. [SB-317]
As introduced, regulates the use of installment land contracts for the conveyance of real property. - Amends TCA Title 66.


Sponsored by: Sen. Page Walley Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Commerce And Labor Committee on 04/06/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4, Chapter 24, relative to volunteer firefighters. [SB-5]
As introduced, allows a volunteer firefighter to receive $800 from the commission on firefighting personnel standards and education for completing 40 hours of training annually. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 24.


Sponsored by: Sen. Rusty Crowe Sponsor(s) Added. on 01/27/2021

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