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Explain SB-34: Revise hearings process for change of water right application × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (h) Died In Standing Committee (h) Natural Resources on 04/25/2019
You have voted SB-34: Revise hearings process for change of water right application.
Explain SB-70: Remove Headwaters State Park from primitive parks list × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers Chapter Number Assigned on 05/01/2019
You have voted SB-70: Remove Headwaters State Park from primitive parks list.
Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (h) Died In Standing Committee (h) Education on 04/25/2019
You have voted SJR-23: Interim study resolution on student debt.
Explain SB-60: Requiring trapper education for certain resident trappers × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers Chapter Number Assigned on 04/14/2021
You have voted SB-60: Requiring trapper education for certain resident trappers.
Explain SB-61: Allow free fishing on Mother's Day × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers Chapter Number Assigned on 02/23/2021
You have voted SB-61: Allow free fishing on Mother's Day.
Explain SB-179: Generally revise billing practices for telecommunications × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (s) Died In Standing Committee (s) Energy And Telecommunications on 04/29/2021
You have voted SB-179: Generally revise billing practices for telecommunications.
Explain SB-180: Establish an interim committee on soil health × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (s) Died In Process on 04/29/2021
You have voted SB-180: Establish an interim committee on soil health.
Explain SB-255: Create revenue for bison management funding × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (s) Died In Standing Committee (s) Fish And Game on 04/29/2021
You have voted SB-255: Create revenue for bison management funding.
Explain SB-256: Revise hunter harassment laws × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (s) Died In Standing Committee (s) Judiciary on 04/29/2021
You have voted SB-256: Revise hunter harassment laws.
Explain SB-386: Providing an income tax credit for property taxes paid and revising rates × Sponsored by: Sen. Pat Flowers (s) Died In Standing Committee (s) Taxation on 04/29/2021
You have voted SB-386: Providing an income tax credit for property taxes paid and revising rates.