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Explain HB-69: Sick Leave Amendments × Sponsored by: Rep. Patrice Arent House/ Filed In House File For Bills Not Passed on 03/12/2020
You have voted HB-69: Sick Leave Amendments.
Explain HB-70: Repeal of Single-mark Straight Ticket Voting × Sponsored by: Sen. Curtis Bramble Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/24/2020
You have voted HB-70: Repeal of Single-mark Straight Ticket Voting.
Explain HB-97: Newborn Safe Haven Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Sandall Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/28/2020
You have voted HB-97: Newborn Safe Haven Amendments.
Explain HB-234: Gestational Agreement Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Weiler Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/24/2020
You have voted HB-234: Gestational Agreement Amendments.
Explain HB-235: Voluntary Home Energy Information Pilot Program × Sponsored by: Sen. Curtis Bramble Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/31/2020
You have voted HB-235: Voluntary Home Energy Information Pilot Program.
Explain HCR-12: Concurrent Resolution on Holocaust Education × Sponsored by: Sen. Evan Vickers House/ Filed In House File For Bills Not Passed on 03/12/2020
You have voted HCR-12: Concurrent Resolution on Holocaust Education.
Explain SB-89: Mental Health Services Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Thatcher Governor Signed In Lieutenant Governor's Office For Filing on 03/30/2020
You have voted SB-89: Mental Health Services Amendments.
Explain SB-219: Anti-boycott Israel Amendments × Sponsored by: Sen. Daniel Hemmert Senate/ Strike Enacting Clause In Senate Secretary on 03/12/2020
You have voted SB-219: Anti-boycott Israel Amendments.
Explain SCR-14: Concurrent Resolution Honoring Utahns Who Died in WWII × Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Weiler Senate/ Filed In Senate File For Bills Not Passed on 03/12/2020
You have voted SCR-14: Concurrent Resolution Honoring Utahns Who Died in WWII.
Explain HB-60: Prohibiting Contributions During Special Session × Sponsored by: Rep. Patrice Arent House/ To Governor In Egov on 03/17/2011
You have voted HB-60: Prohibiting Contributions During Special Session.