Rep. John McCuskey


District HD-035
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Requiring that the Legislative Auditor conduct audits of all spending units [HB-4466]
The purpose of this bill is to provide greater transparency and accountability in state government and to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse as recently evidenced in the Department of Agriculture’s Rural Rehabilitation Loan Program by requiring the Legislative Auditor to conduct performance reviews and audits for every government spending unit, including all members of the Board of Public Works and the Legislature, on a regular basis of once every two years from the effective date of this section, if practicable, and no later than four years from (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan Ferns Filed For Introduction on 02/11/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Relating to the practice of psychology [HB-4477]
The purpose of this bill is to rewrite the article concerning the practice of psychology. The bill prohibits the practice of psychology without a license. The bill provides other applicable sections. The bill defines terms. The bill continues and renames the board. The bill provides for board composition, appointments, qualifications, terms of office, filling of vacancies and holding meetings. The bill provides for compensation and reimbursement for board members. The bill sets forth the powers and duties of the board. The bill clarifies rule-making (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Caputo Filed For Introduction on 02/12/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Relating to circumstances requiring a prescription to dispense drug products that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and other precursors [HB-4486]
The purpose of this bill is to amend code sections relating to pseudoephedrine so as to require a prescription to dispense drug products that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine as an active ingredient. It exempts wholesalers from certain requirements of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration relating to storage, reporting, record keeping or physical security control requirements for controlled substances that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, and adds affirmative defenses and penalties.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Arvon Filed For Introduction on 02/12/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Authorizing the election of and specifying qualifications for nonappointed members of the West Virginia Board of Education [HB-4495]
Authorizing the election of and specifying qualifications for nonappointed members of the West Virginia Board of Education


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Butler Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Providing for the allocation of matching funds from future moneys deposited into the West Virginia Research Trust Fund [HB-4496]
Providing for the allocation of matching funds from future moneys deposited into the West Virginia Research Trust Fund


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Chapter 83, Acts, Regular Session, 2014 on 04/10/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Creating within the State Police a methamphetamine registry [HB-4524]
Creating within the State Police a methamphetamine registry


Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Eldridge Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Creating monitoring and testing requirements for public water utilities [HB-4527]
Creating monitoring and testing requirements for public water utilities


Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Miley Filed For Introduction on 02/14/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Adding additional requirements for notification relating to industrial facilities emergency event notification and access, and creating an aboveground storage tank registry, and an Industrial Accident Citizen's Protection Fund [HB-4530]
Adding additional requirements for notification relating to industrial facilities emergency event notification and access, and creating an aboveground storage tank registry, and an Industrial Accident Citizen's Protection Fund


Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Lane Filed For Introduction on 02/14/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Requiring the Board of Funeral Service Examiners to post notice on its website of any disciplinary action resulting in sanctions against a licensee [HB-4544]
Requiring the Board of Funeral Service Examiners to post notice on its website of any disciplinary action resulting in sanctions against a licensee


Sponsored by: Rep. George Ambler Filed For Introduction on 02/14/2014

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State (West Virginia)
West Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support [HB-4554]
Adjusting penalties for willful failure to pay child support


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Fleischauer Filed For Introduction on 02/14/2014

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