Rep. Bennett Ratliff


District HD-115
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to assessment alternatives or accommodations for public school students in special education programs. [HB-3362]
Relating to assessment alternatives or accommodations for public school students in special education programs.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Read First Time on 03/19/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to imposing a fee on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies; providing penalties. [HB-3536]
Relating to imposing a fee on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies; providing penalties.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the investigation and prosecution of offenses against public administration, including ethics offenses, offenses involving insurance fraud, and offenses involving motor fuels tax. [HB-3575]
Relating to the investigation and prosecution of offenses against public administration, including ethics offenses, offenses involving insurance fraud, and offenses involving motor fuels tax.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/01/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of Foundation School Program license plates. [HB-3677]
Relating to the issuance of Foundation School Program license plates.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the administration of the Texas Water Development Board and the funding of water projects by the board and other entities; authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds. [HB-4]
Relating to the administration of the Texas Water Development Board and the funding of water projects by the board and other entities; authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Signed By The Governor on 05/28/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to public school accountability, including assessment, and curriculum requirements; providing a criminal penalty. [HB-5]
Relating to public school accountability, including assessment, and curriculum requirements; providing a criminal penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Signed By The Governor on 06/10/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the computation of the franchise tax, including certain exclusions from the tax. [HB-500]
Relating to the computation of the franchise tax, including certain exclusions from the tax.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Signed By The Governor on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to voluntary donations to the Glenda Dawson Donate Life-Texas Registry. [HB-519]
Relating to voluntary donations to the Glenda Dawson Donate Life-Texas Registry.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nicholas Taylor Laid On The Table Subject To Call on 04/29/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to firearms and the preservation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; providing penalties. [HB-553]
Relating to firearms and the preservation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; providing penalties.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/13/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. [HB-6]
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Donna Howard See Remarks For Effective Date on 06/14/2013

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