Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits - Farm Products [HB-103]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to issue permits for specified vehicles carrying specified products and loads of specified maximum weights to operate in specified areas in specified circumstances and subject to specified conditions; and expanding the scope of a permitting process for vehicles that carry specified forest products to include vehicles that carry specified farm products.
Vehicle Laws - Motorized Passenger Scooter - Use in Ocean City [HB-1167]
Authorizing the use of a "motorized passenger scooter" on specified highways in the municipal boundaries of Ocean City under specified conditions; authorizing the State Highway Administration to prohibit the operation of a motorized passenger scooter on a bicycle way on specified highways under specified circumstances; defining terms; and making the Act an emergency measure.
HB-1167: Vehicle Laws - Motorized Passenger Scooter - Use in Ocean City
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rudolph
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Natural Resources - Forest Conservation Act - Alterations to Exceptions [HB-1224]
Increasing the threshold area of forest cut, cleared, or graded above which specified activities no longer qualify as exceptions to the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act; and applying a specified exception to the provisions of the Forest Conservation Act to specified activities required for constructing a dwelling intended for the use of a grandchild of the owner.
Worcester County - Department of Liquor Control - Wine and Liquor Purchasing [HB-1237]
Abolishing the Liquor Control Board for Worcester County and replacing it with the Worcester County Department of Liquor Control; specifying that the Department is a department of the Worcester County government; providing the Department of Liquor Control with specified powers; authorizing an alcoholic beverages licensee in the county, beginning on May 1, 2016, to elect to purchase wine and liquor from a licensed wholesaler; etc.
HB-1237: Worcester County - Department of Liquor Control - Wine and Liquor Purchasing
Sponsored by: Rep. Norman Conway
Hearing Cancelled on 04/04/2011
Trusts - Special Needs, Supplemental Needs, or Pooled Asset Special Needs [HB-1277]
Stating that the policy of the State is to encourage the use of special needs trusts or supplemental needs trusts by individuals with disabilities of all ages to preserve funds in order to provide for the needs of the individuals not met by public benefits and to enhance their quality of life; requiring each State agency that provides public benefits to individuals with disabilities of all ages through specified programs to adopt specified regulations; etc.
HB-1277: Trusts - Special Needs, Supplemental Needs, or Pooled Asset Special Needs
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Smigiel
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Wicomico County - Board of Education - Selection of Members - Straw Ballot [HB-1324]
Requiring that specified questions be placed on the ballot in Wicomico County at the November general election of 2012 to determine the sense of the voters of the County on whether to change the method of selecting members of the Wicomico County Board of Education; and providing for carrying out of the straw ballot.
HB-1324: Wicomico County - Board of Education - Selection of Members - Straw Ballot
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Re-referred Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 04/11/2011
Privileged Communications - Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer [HB-1325]
Prohibiting a critical incident stress management team member, an individual who participates in a critical incident stress management team intervention, and a peer support member from disclosing specified confidential information acquired from a law enforcement officer, correctional officer, or emergency responder in the course of duty; etc.
HB-1325: Privileged Communications - Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan McComas
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary Withdrawn on 03/23/2011
Ignition Interlock System Program - Mandatory Participation [HB-318]
Altering the Motor Vehicle Administration's authority to establish an Ignition Interlock System Program to require the Administration to establish the Program; requiring rather than authorizing the Administration to establish a protocol for the Program by specified regulations; altering the circumstances under which individuals may participate; requiring the Administration to require an individual convicted of, or granted probation for, specified alcohol-related driving offenses to participate in the Program; etc.
HB-318: Ignition Interlock System Program - Mandatory Participation
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/25/2011