You have voted HR-2991: Congratulating Heather and Richard Wells on the adoption of their daughter, Rylee Jean Yu Wells, and naming Rylee an honorary Texan..
SB-1398: Relating to a study by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas on securing critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, terrorist, and cyber-attack threats.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/24/2015
You have voted SB-1398: Relating to a study by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas on securing critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, terrorist, and cyber-attack threats..
SB-2065: Relating to the rights of certain religious organizations and individuals relating to a marriage that violates a sincerely held religious belief.
Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer
Effective Immediately on 06/11/2015
You have voted SB-2065: Relating to the rights of certain religious organizations and individuals relating to a marriage that violates a sincerely held religious belief..
SB-694: Relating to authorizing patients with certain terminal illnesses to access certain investigational drugs, biological products, and devices that are in clinical trials.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/20/2015
You have voted SB-694: Relating to authorizing patients with certain terminal illnesses to access certain investigational drugs, biological products, and devices that are in clinical trials..