HB-73: As enacted, requires that the P.O.W.-M.I.A. flag be displayed daily below the United States flag in War Memorial Plaza and in Vietnam Veterans Park and displayed over the state capitol on days that neither house of the general assembly is in session during the month of September. - Amends TCA Section 4-1-406 and Title 58, Chapter 4, Part 3.
Sponsored by: Rep. Judd Matheny
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 437 on 05/30/2017
You have voted HB-73: As enacted, requires that the P.O.W.-M.I.A. flag be displayed daily below the United States flag in War Memorial Plaza and in Vietnam Veterans Park and displayed over the state capitol on days that neither house of the general assembly is in session during the month of September. - Amends TCA Section 4-1-406 and Title 58, Chapter 4, Part 3..
HB-165: As enacted, authorizes private employers to give hiring preference to honorably discharged veterans, spouses of veterans with service-connected disabilities, unremarried widows or widowers of veterans who died of service-connected disabilities, and unremarried widows or widowers of members of the military who died in the line of duty. - Amends TCA Title 50, Chapter 1, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Williams
Pub. Ch. 9 on 04/04/2017
You have voted HB-165: As enacted, authorizes private employers to give hiring preference to honorably discharged veterans, spouses of veterans with service-connected disabilities, unremarried widows or widowers of veterans who died of service-connected disabilities, and unremarried widows or widowers of members of the military who died in the line of duty. - Amends TCA Title 50, Chapter 1, Part 1..
HB-176: As introduced, increases the property value threshold for determining the extent of any property tax relief payments to disabled veterans and their surviving spouses from $100,000 to $175,000 of the full market value of the property for any veteran receiving property tax relief in 2014 or prior years and reapplying to receive a reimbursement for tax year 2017 and subsequent years without interruption. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 5.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Pody
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Local Government Subcommittee Of Local Government Committee on 01/17/2018
You have voted HB-176: As introduced, increases the property value threshold for determining the extent of any property tax relief payments to disabled veterans and their surviving spouses from $100,000 to $175,000 of the full market value of the property for any veteran receiving property tax relief in 2014 or prior years and reapplying to receive a reimbursement for tax year 2017 and subsequent years without interruption. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 5..
HB-275: As enacted, requires certain disclosures by members of the general assembly regarding travel expenses paid on behalf of the member. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 10, Part 1; Title 3, Chapter 6 and Title 8, Chapter 50, Part 5.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Williams
Pub. Ch. 470 on 06/01/2017
You have voted HB-275: As enacted, requires certain disclosures by members of the general assembly regarding travel expenses paid on behalf of the member. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 10, Part 1; Title 3, Chapter 6 and Title 8, Chapter 50, Part 5..
You have voted HB-278: As enacted, adds beekeeping to practices included in the Tennessee Community Gardening Act. - Amends TCA Title 43 and Title 44, Chapter 15..
HB-361: As introduced, sets the statute of limitations of certain causes of actions arising from a home inspection or home inspection report to one year; prohibits contractual waiver of the limitation; limits home inspector liability relative to certain defects; prohibits disciplinary actions taken by the commissioner from being the sole basis for civil or criminal cause of actions against the home inspector. - Amends TCA Title 28; Title 62, Chapter 6, Part 3 and Title 66, Chapter 5.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Keisling
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Civil Justice Subcommittee Of Civil Justice Committee on 01/17/2018
You have voted HB-361: As introduced, sets the statute of limitations of certain causes of actions arising from a home inspection or home inspection report to one year; prohibits contractual waiver of the limitation; limits home inspector liability relative to certain defects; prohibits disciplinary actions taken by the commissioner from being the sole basis for civil or criminal cause of actions against the home inspector. - Amends TCA Title 28; Title 62, Chapter 6, Part 3 and Title 66, Chapter 5..