State Board of Dental Examiners - Sunset Extension and Revisions [SB-325]
Continuing the State Board of Dental Examiners in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (sunset law) by extending to July 1, 2021, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the Board; requiring that an evaluation of the Board and the statutes and regulations that relate to the Board be performed on or before July 1, 2020; etc.
SB-325: State Board of Dental Examiners - Sunset Extension and Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Environment - State Board of Waterworks and Waste Systems Operators - Sunset [SB-326]
Extending to July 1, 2021, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the State Board of Waterworks and Waste Systems Operators; altering the composition of the Board; clarifying that the Department of the Environment is responsible for the enforcement of specified provisions; repealing obsolete language; requiring that an evaluation of the Board be performed on or before July 1, 2020; and requiring the Board to make a specified report on or before October 1, 2011.
SB-326: Environment - State Board of Waterworks and Waste Systems Operators - Sunset
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/20/2010
State Board of Barbers and State Board of Cosmetologists - Sunset Extension and [SB-327]
Continuing the State Board of Barbers and the State Board of Cosmetologists (boards) in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (sunset law) by extending to a specified date the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the boards; prohibiting the boards from setting fees for licensing and license renewals that exceed $50; requiring the boards to adopt regulations regarding specified curriculum standards; etc.
SB-327: State Board of Barbers and State Board of Cosmetologists - Sunset Extension and
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/20/2010
Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities - Membership [SB-60]
Increasing the membership of the Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities from 15 to 20 members; providing for the inclusion of representatives from specified State agencies; and requiring that at least two of the twelve members appointed by the Governor be from affected communities concerned with environmental justice.
SB-60: Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities - Membership
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Maryland Horse Industry Fund - Fees [SB-62]
Requiring that all funds collected by the Maryland Horse Industry Board be paid into the Maryland Horse Industry Fund; establishing a fee for a license; and altering specified fees relating to licensure renewal and inspection of horse riding stables.
SB-62: Maryland Horse Industry Fund - Fees
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Woodland Incentives Program - Prohibition on Use of Federal Funds - Repeal [SB-69]
Repealing the prohibition on the use of federal funds administered by the Woodland Incentives Program for long-range timber growing in conjunction with State funds; prohibiting an owner from receiving a total of State and federal cost share assistance in an amount that exceeds 100% of the actual cost of the approved practice; etc.
SB-69: Woodland Incentives Program - Prohibition on Use of Federal Funds - Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Department of Natural Resources - Vessel Noise - Limitation [SB-70]
Altering the maximum allowable noise level from 90dB(a) to 88dB(a) for a vessel on the waters of the State with an engine manufactured on or after a specified date; prohibiting a person from owning or operating a vessel in State waters unless the vessel meets specified requirements and regulations for noise suppression; and requiring the Department of Natural Resources to issue a warning for a first violation of provisions of the Act.
SB-70: Department of Natural Resources - Vessel Noise - Limitation
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Favorable With Amendments Report By Environmental Matters on 04/10/2010
Maryland Militia - Membership [SB-72]
Altering the composition of the Maryland militia to include citizens of the United States who take an oath of allegiance to the State.
SB-72: Maryland Militia - Membership
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Maryland Emergency Management Agency - Director [SB-73]
Altering provisions of law so as to require the Governor to appoint directly the Director of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA); and requiring the Director of MEMA to be responsible to the Governor for carrying out the State emergency management program, to develop specified mutual aid agreements without specified approval, and to employ personnel in a specified manner that is not subject to a specified authority.
SB-73: Maryland Emergency Management Agency - Director
Sponsored by: Sen. Education
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010