Sen. Norman Stone


District SD-006
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Public Health - Peanut Warning - Vending Machines [SB-101]
Requiring the operator of a vending machine that contains a food that contains peanuts to post a warning label on the exterior of the vending machine that informs consumers that some foods contained within the vending machine may contain peanuts; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Unfavorable Report By Finance on 02/10/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Election Law - Campaign Advertisements - Closed Captioning [SB-102]
Requiring a campaign finance entity to include closed captioning for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in campaign advertisements that are distributed by broadcast or cable television or on its website; providing specified exemptions; specifying the factors to be considered when applying the undue hardship exemption; prohibiting a campaign finance entity from distributing a campaign advertisement by broadcast or cable radio, subject to specified conditions; providing for an effective date of January 1, 2011; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Hearing Cancelled on 01/27/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Baltimore County - Use of Public School Facilities - Games of Chance [SB-1029]
Authorizing the use of public school facilities in Baltimore County for games of chance such as raffles and bingo that do not award cash money prizes; providing that the Act may not be construed to prohibit specified entities from charging a cash money admission fee to an event at which games of chance are played or a cash money fee in order to participate in games of chance; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Re-referred Education Health And Environmental Affairs on 03/18/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Evidence - Separate Act of Sexual Misconduct Involving a Minor - Admissibility [SB-1042]
Authorizing a court to admit evidence of a defendant's commission of a separate act of sexual misconduct involving a minor in the defendant's trial for a crime involving a sexual offense to a minor; specifying that the admission of the evidence is subject to a specified rule of evidence; requiring the court to hold a closed hearing to determine if specified evidence is admissible; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Brochin Re-referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/12/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Homeowner's Insurance - Coverage for Other Structures [SB-1044]
Prohibiting an insurer that issues a policy of homeowner's insurance from requiring the policy to include coverage for other structures such as sheds or outbuildings if the policyholder does not have a shed or outbuilding on the property.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Criminal Law - Leaving Dogs Outside and Unattended by Use of Restraint - [SB-1057]
Prohibiting a person from leaving a dog outside and unattended by use of a specified restraint during a specified time period or during a snow emergency declared by the Maryland State Police; and establishing penalties for a violation of the Act.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Favorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/07/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2008 - Baltimore County - Community [SB-1087]
Amending the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2008 to extend the date by which the Board of Directors of the Kingdom Economic System, Inc. must present evidence that a specified matching fund will be provided.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Hearing 3/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Property Tax Credit - Disabled State Troopers and Natural Resources Police [SB-1088]
Including in the definition of law enforcement officer, under a specified existing property tax credit program for permanently and totally disabled law enforcement officers, State Troopers and members of the police forces of the Department of Natural Resources who reside in Baltimore County; and providing that the Act applies retroactively to the local law enacted by Baltimore County under the authority of the specified property tax credit program.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Favorable Report By Budget And Taxation on 04/07/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Creation of a State Debt - Baltimore County - Dundalk Fire Station [SB-1089]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $250,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the County Executive and County Council of Baltimore County for the design and reconstruction of the Dundalk Fire Station, located in Dundalk; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone Re-referred Budget And Taxation on 03/05/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Maryland's Marriage Protection Act [SB-1097]
Adding a new section to the Maryland Constitution to establish that a marriage between one man and one woman shall be the only domestic legal union valid or recognized in the State; and submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State of Maryland for their adoption or rejection.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse Re-referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/12/2010

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