Maryland Estate Tax - Pilot Program for Payment Deferral for Qualified [HB-1571]
Providing for a specified payment deferral under specified circumstances for Maryland estate tax imposed on specified agricultural property; providing that Maryland estate tax subject to a payment deferral shall become due immediately under specified circumstances; providing that specified Maryland estate tax subject to a payment deferral shall be paid without interest in accordance with a specified schedule over a specified period; etc.
HB-1571: Maryland Estate Tax - Pilot Program for Payment Deferral for Qualified
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Favorable With Amendments Report By Ways And Means on 04/12/2010
Motor Vehicles - Renewal of Drivers' Licenses - Contractors for the Armed [HB-201]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to renew the driver's license of an individual who does not have a Maryland residence address if the individual provides documentation acceptable to the Administration indicating that the individual resides outside the United States and is, or is the spouse or dependent of, a contractor who performs work for the armed forces of the United States and if the individual meets specified other requirements.
HB-201: Motor Vehicles - Renewal of Drivers' Licenses - Contractors for the Armed
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
First Reading Environmental Matters on 01/22/2010
Procurement - Minority Business Enterprises - Certification Process [HB-250]
Requiring the Board of Public Works to adopt regulations to promote and facilitate certification under the State's minority business enterprise program of minority business enterprises that have received certification from the U. S. Small Business Administration or a county that uses a qualification process substantially similar to the State's certification process; and requiring the Board to keep records and submit an annual report to the General Assembly regarding certification of specified minority business enterprises.
HB-250: Procurement - Minority Business Enterprises - Certification Process
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheila Hixson
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Acceptance of Premiums on Installment [HB-317]
Authorizing the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund to accept premiums on an installment basis under specified circumstances; requiring the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to ensure specified provisions of the Fund's installment payment plan; prohibiting the Fund from discriminating among insureds in a specified manner; prohibiting the Fund from paying a higher commission to specified producers; requiring specified written and electronic communications to include a specified statement under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-317: Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund - Acceptance of Premiums on Installment
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/18/2010
Child Care Articles Containing Bisphenol-A - Prohibition [HB-33]
Prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or distribution of specified child care articles containing bisphenol-A; requiring a person to use the least toxic alternative; prohibiting a person from using specified carcinogens or specified reproductive toxicants when complying with the Act; providing for a penalty; requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygeine to adopt specified regulations; etc.
HB-33: Child Care Articles Containing Bisphenol-A - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010