Rep. Norman Conway


District HD-038B
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Rape Survivor Family Protection Act [HB-958]
Excluding as a father of a child, for purposes of specified provisions relating to the paternity of a child in a guardian or adoption proceeding, a man who has committed a specified sexual crime against the child's mother; requiring a court to consider a specified statement when making a specified finding; prohibiting a court from requiring publication of specified information under specified circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2014

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Reinstatement of the Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking Functions [HJR-8]
Urging the United States Congress to support efforts to reinstate the separation of commercial and investment banking functions in effect under the Glass-Steagall Act and to support H.R. 129.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2014

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