Drunk and Drugged Driving - Evidence - Qualified Medical Person [HB-1038]
Providing for the admissibility in evidence of a certified statement by a qualified medical person who obtained blood from a defendant charged with specified alcohol- or drug-related driving offenses without the testimony of the qualified medical person; providing for specified exceptions; etc.
HB-1038: Drunk and Drugged Driving - Evidence - Qualified Medical Person
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Aumann
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/10/2010
Family Law - Protective Orders - Annual Report [HB-1047]
Requiring the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention to compile an annual report that is to include specified statistical information, to submit the report to the Governor and General Assembly on or before December 31 of each year, and to make the report available to the public on request; etc.
HB-1047: Family Law - Protective Orders - Annual Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/15/2010
Vehicle Laws - Detectable Level of a Controlled Dangerous Substance or Its [HB-1048]
Prohibiting a person from driving or attempting to drive any vehicle while the person has a detectable level of a controlled dangerous substance, or its metabolites, in the person's blood, if the person is not entitled to use the controlled dangerous substance under the laws of the State; making a stylistic change; etc.
HB-1048: Vehicle Laws - Detectable Level of a Controlled Dangerous Substance or Its
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/22/2010
Vehicle Laws - Single Registration Plate [HB-1063]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to issue a single registration plate to all classes of vehicles; requiring that the registration plate be attached on the front of tractors and on the rear of all other vehicles; and authorizing the publisher of the Annotated Code to make specified corrections.
HB-1063: Vehicle Laws - Single Registration Plate
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters on 03/15/2010
Great Preschools Scholarship Program [HB-1121]
Establishing the Great Preschools Scholarship Program in the State Department of Education; authorizing specified schools to apply to the Department to participate in the Program; authorizing eligible students to apply for specified scholarships; requiring the Department to award scholarships under specified circumstances; requiring the Department to determine the amount of specified scholarships based on specified income eligibility; establishing requirements for the use of scholarship money; etc.
HB-1121: Great Preschools Scholarship Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Theodore Sophocleus
First Reading Ways And Means on 02/17/2010
State Personnel - Innovative Idea Awards Program - Additional Cash Awards [HB-1128]
Requiring that a specified additional cash award provided to specified State employees under the Innovative Ideas Award Program for innovative ideas shall be equal to a specified percentage of the savings or gain to the State from the innovative idea, up to a specified limit.
HB-1128: State Personnel - Innovative Idea Awards Program - Additional Cash Awards
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/03/2010
Budget Reduction Act [HB-1159]
Altering or repealing specified State aid to local jurisdictions; altering or repealing specified grants to specified persons or institutions; altering the distribution of specified revenues; altering or repealing specified required appropriations; altering the distribution of highway user revenues; stating the intent of the General Assembly regarding restraining spending in the State budget by implementation of specified actions; etc.
HB-1159: Budget Reduction Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/12/2010
Health Care Malpractice - Awards and Judgments - Periodic Payments [HB-1166]
Requiring periodic payments of specified damages in excess of $100,000 for specified health care malpractice causes of action under specified circumstances; establishing procedures and requirements relating to periodic payments and annuities for funding periodic payments; etc.
HB-1166: Health Care Malpractice - Awards and Judgments - Periodic Payments
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/22/2010
Ethics - Executive Branch - Lobbying by Former Officials [HB-1195]
Prohibiting former State officials or public officials of the Executive Branch, for 1 year after leaving employment, from assisting or representing another party for compensation in a matter that is the subject of legislative action; and providing exceptions that permit the former officials to represent a municipal corporation, county, or State governmental entity.
HB-1195: Ethics - Executive Branch - Lobbying by Former Officials
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Aumann
Hearing 4/7 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/31/2010
Law Enforcement Officers - Unsubstantiated Complaints - Admissibility [HB-120]
Providing that evidence of a formal complaint against a law enforcement officer is not admissible in an administrative or a judicial proceeding if the complaint resulted in the exoneration of the officer of all charges, a determination that the charges were unsustained or unfounded, the acquittal of the officer by a hearing board, the dismissal of the action against the officer, or a finding of not guilty by a hearing board.
HB-120: Law Enforcement Officers - Unsubstantiated Complaints - Admissibility
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010