Maryland Transit Administration - Free Ridership for State Employees [HB-985]
Requiring the Maryland Transit Administration to extend to employees of the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch of State government the application of any program, policy, or practice through which free ridership on transit vehicles is offered to employees of the Executive Branch of State government.
HB-985: Maryland Transit Administration - Free Ridership for State Employees
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 04/08/2011
Maryland Health Security Act of 2012 [HB-1015]
Establishing the Maryland Health System; requiring the Health System to provide health care services to all residents of the State under a single system that is not dependent on employment; authorizing a member of the Health System to choose any participating health care provider; requiring the Health System to reimburse a member who receives health care services from an out-of-state health care provider under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1015: Maryland Health Security Act of 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations Withdrawn on 03/13/2012
Higher Education - Tuition Waiver - Children of Law Enforcement Officers Killed [HB-1016]
Waiving tuition and mandatory fees for children of State or local law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty who attend a public institution of higher education under specified circumstances; setting forth the conditions for receiving the waiver; exempting a specified child from paying the difference between specified amounts; providing for the duration of the waiver; requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission to adopt regulations; etc.
HB-1016: Higher Education - Tuition Waiver - Children of Law Enforcement Officers Killed
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 03/12/2012
Medical Marijuana Commission [HB-1024]
Establishing the Medical Marijuana Commission; providing for the purpose and membership of the Commission; providing for the terms of the members of the Commission; requiring the Governor to designate the chair of the Commission; requiring the Commission to issue a specified request for applications at least annually; requiring a specified application submitted by an academic medical center to include specified information; requiring the Commission to set specified application and renewal fees; etc.
HB-1024: Medical Marijuana Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Hearing 3/9 At 1:00 P.m. (health And Government Operations) on 02/23/2012
Workers' Compensation - Emergency Responders - Revisions [HB-1085]
Altering the definition of "on duty" in the workers' compensation law to include the performance of specified duties assigned to deputy sheriffs or members of a specified fire police unit; altering the definition of "volunteer company" to include a volunteer fire police unit; specifying that a covered member of a volunteer company may not be considered a paid covered employee of the company for receiving as a membership benefit a yearly stipend of $5,200 or less to help offset out-of-pocket expenses; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Micro-Breweries and Pub-Breweries - Class 7 Limited Beer [HB-1127]
Authorizing the holder of a pub-brewery or micro-brewery license to apply for and obtain specified additional licenses under specified conditions; authorizing a holder of a micro-brewery license to provide samples of beer at the licensed location at no charge or for a fee; repealing specified restrictions on the sale of beer by a holder of a micro-brewery license; creating a Class 7 limited beer wholesaler's license; authorizing the issuance of a limited beer wholesaler's license to specified beer manufacturers; etc.
HB-1127: Alcoholic Beverages - Micro-Breweries and Pub-Breweries - Class 7 Limited Beer
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/19/2012
Health Insurance - Coverage for Services Delivered Through Telemedicine [HB-1149]
Requiring insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for health care services delivered through telemedicine in a specified manner; prohibiting insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations from excluding a health care service from coverage solely because it is delivered by telemedicine and not in another manner; etc.
HB-1149: Health Insurance - Coverage for Services Delivered Through Telemedicine
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
Medical Marijuana Oversight Commission [HB-1158]
Making marijuana a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance; prohibiting specified persons from distributing or dispensing marijuana to specified persons; establishing an independent Medical Marijuana Oversight Commission; providing for the purpose and membership of the Commission; providing for the terms of the members of the Commission; providing for the appointment of a chair and vice chair of the Commission; etc.
HB-1158: Medical Marijuana Oversight Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 3/9 At 1:00 P.m. (health And Government Operations) on 02/23/2012