You have voted SB-426: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 3, relative to the Tennessee investment in student achievement formula..
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 55-10-417 and Section 55-10-425, relative to ignition interlock devices. [SB-1299]
As introduced, requires an ignition interlock provider to permit a person to appear for calibration, monitoring, or inspection of the device at any time within a two-week period; authorizes a court to order reinstatement of a person’s driver license if the person has no other revocations or suspensions on the person’s driving record and the person’s only noncompliance with ignition interlock requirements has been with regard to the required calibration, monitoring, or inspection of the ignition interlock device; makes various other changes in regard
SB-1299: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 55-10-417 and Section 55-10-425, relative to ignition interlock devices.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Pody
Passed H., Ayes 95, Nays 1, Pnv 0 on 03/27/2025
SJR-300: A RESOLUTION to honor and commend the Stone Memorial Middle School Lady Panthers girls' basketball team upon winning the TMSAA Class AA state tournament.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bailey
Adopted, Ayes 29, Nays 0 on 03/27/2025
You have voted SJR-300: A RESOLUTION to honor and commend the Stone Memorial Middle School Lady Panthers girls' basketball team upon winning the TMSAA Class AA state tournament..
SJR-297: A RESOLUTION to congratulate the board, staff, and volunteers of the White County Fair upon being named the 2025 Class A Division State Champion Fair by the Tennessee Association of Fairs.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Bailey
Adopted, Ayes 29, Nays 0 on 03/27/2025
You have voted SJR-297: A RESOLUTION to congratulate the board, staff, and volunteers of the White County Fair upon being named the 2025 Class A Division State Champion Fair by the Tennessee Association of Fairs..