Village Public Safety Officers [HB-106]
An Act relating to grants to nonprofit regional corporations, and, in certain situations, to municipalities with populations of less than 10,000, for village public safety officers in rural areas; defining 'rural area' for the purpose of the village public safety officer program; and authorizing municipalities to accept grants under, and contract with respect to, the village public safety officer program.
HB-106: Village Public Safety Officers
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tuck
Effective Date(s) Of Law 10/5/09 on 08/05/2009
Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharge Permits [HB-134]
An Act relating to the terms and conditions of commercial passenger vessel permits for the discharge of graywater, treated sewage, and other wastewater; establishing a science advisory panel on wastewater treatment and effluent quality in the Department of Environmental Conservation; and providing for an effective date.
HB-134: Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharge Permits
Sponsored by: Rep. Charisse Millett
Effective Date(s) Of Law See Chapter on 08/05/2009
Children's Trust [HB-190]
An Act amending the Alaska children's trust and relating to the trust; establishing a children's trust grant account; relating to birth certificates and certificates of marriage; relating to special request Alaska children's trust license plates; and amending the State Procurement Code to exempt the Alaska children's trust and the Alaska Children's Trust Board.
HB-190: Children's Trust
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tuck
Effective Date(s) Of Law 9/29/10 on 07/09/2010
Health Reform Policy Commission [HB-25]
An Act establishing the Alaska Health Reform Policy Commission in the Department of Health and Social Services, and establishing the position of the executive director of that commission in the partially exempt service; and providing for an effective date.
HB-25: Health Reform Policy Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Hawker
Prefile Released 1/9/09 on 01/20/2009
Zero Tolerance Districts [HB-256]
An Act allowing the commissioner of transportation and public facilities to designate a portion of a highway within a traffic safety corridor as a zero tolerance district and setting out the penalties for a traffic violation within a zero tolerance district.
HB-256: Zero Tolerance Districts
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Hawker
Prefile Released 1/8/10 on 01/19/2010