Rep. Edward Butcher


District HD-029
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 1

Sponsored Legislation

State (Montana)
Montana 2009 Regular Session

Authorize investor owned livestock slaughter and processing plants [HB-418]
Authorize investor owned livestock slaughter and processing plants

Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Butcher Chapter Number Assigned &nbsp on 05/04/2009

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State (Montana)
Montana 2009 Regular Session

Require testing in English for professional and driver's licenses [HB-633]
Require testing in English for professional and driver's licenses

Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Butcher (h) Died In Standing Committee &nbsp on 04/28/2009

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State (Montana)
Montana 2009 Regular Session

Interim study of self-governing authority by school boards [HJR-28]
Interim study of self-governing authority by school boards

Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Butcher (h) Died In Standing Committee &nbsp on 04/28/2009

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State (Montana)
Montana 2023 Regular Session

Provide for recreational land classification for property tax purposes [HB-912]
Provide for recreational land classification for property tax purposes


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Butcher (h) Missed Deadline For Revenue Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023

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