Rep. Curry Todd


District HD-095
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, requires election officials to inspect filings for sufficiency and timeliness; establishes conclusive presumption that accepted filings are sufficient and timely filed. - Amends TCA Title 2. [HB-2749]
As introduced, requires election officials to inspect filings for sufficiency and timeliness; establishes conclusive presumption that accepted filings are sufficient and timely filed. - Amends TCA Title 2.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd P2c, Caption Bill, Held On Desk - Pending Amdt. on 01/27/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As enacted, changes date on which state coordinator of elections must publicly calculate and compare the votes received by each person and declare who has been nominated for office in a primary election or elected to the state executive committee; changes the time of which a voting machine must remain locked. - Amends TCA Section 2-2-115(b)(3); Section 2-2-124(a); Section 2-8-113(a) and Section 2-9-108. [HB-2750]
As enacted, changes date on which state coordinator of elections must publicly calculate and compare the votes received by each person and declare who has been nominated for office in a primary election or elected to the state executive committee; changes the time of which a voting machine must remain locked. - Amends TCA Section 2-2-115(b)(3); Section 2-2-124(a); Section 2-8-113(a) and Section 2-9-108.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 1137 on 07/06/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, allows person without handgun carry permit to transport rifle or shotgun in privately-owned motor vehicle provided there is no ammunition in the chamber or cylinder and no loaded clip or magazine in the weapon or in close proximity to the weapon. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13. [HB-2832]
As introduced, allows person without handgun carry permit to transport rifle or shotgun in privately-owned motor vehicle provided there is no ammunition in the chamber or cylinder and no loaded clip or magazine in the weapon or in close proximity to the weapon. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Taken Off Notice For Cal. In S/c Criminal Practice And Procedure Of Jud Of Judiciary Committee on 03/03/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, places restrictions on appointments to the assessment appeals commission; requires a member to recuse himself from voting on an issue before the assessment appeals commission in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Section 67-5-1502. [HB-2833]
As introduced, places restrictions on appointments to the assessment appeals commission; requires a member to recuse himself from voting on an issue before the assessment appeals commission in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Section 67-5-1502.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Taken Off Notice For Cal. In: State & Local Government Committee on 03/16/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, requires county trustee to return commissions in excess of amount needed to operate the trustee's office to the school fund to the extent the excess commissions do not exceed the amount received by the trustee from the school fund. - Amends TCA Section 8-11-110. [HB-2834]
As introduced, requires county trustee to return commissions in excess of amount needed to operate the trustee's office to the school fund to the extent the excess commissions do not exceed the amount received by the trustee from the school fund. - Amends TCA Section 8-11-110.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Taken Off Notice For Cal. In S/c Local Government Of S&lg Of State & Local Government Committee on 03/10/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, requires that no disciplinary action be taken against a law enforcement officer for a pursuit for an actual or suspected violator of a law or ordinance who flees from pursuit unless such pursuit violated pursuit policies established by the law enforcement agency that employed such law enforcement officer at the time of the pursuit. - Amends TCA Title 40 and Title 55. [HB-2907]
As introduced, requires that no disciplinary action be taken against a law enforcement officer for a pursuit for an actual or suspected violator of a law or ordinance who flees from pursuit unless such pursuit violated pursuit policies established by the law enforcement agency that employed such law enforcement officer at the time of the pursuit. - Amends TCA Title 40 and Title 55.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Action Def. In S/c Criminal Practice And Procedure Of Jud To Summer Study on 04/07/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As introduced, authorizes counties to collect a certain fee designated exclusively for duplicating, storing, and maintaining records required by law to be kept permanently. - Amends TCA Section 8-21-1001. [HB-2956]
As introduced, authorizes counties to collect a certain fee designated exclusively for duplicating, storing, and maintaining records required by law to be kept permanently. - Amends TCA Section 8-21-1001.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Withdrawn. on 02/08/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As enacted, allows person with handgun carry permit to possess handgun in establishment where alcohol is served, provided it is not posted and person does not consume alcohol; specifies penalties for violations. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13; Section 57-3-204 and Section 57-4-203. [HB-3125]
As enacted, allows person with handgun carry permit to possess handgun in establishment where alcohol is served, provided it is not posted and person does not consume alcohol; specifies penalties for violations. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13; Section 57-3-204 and Section 57-4-203.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 1009 on 06/21/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As enacted, adds Pates Ford Marina in DeKalb County to those facilities authorized to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption as a premier type tourist resort. - Amends TCA Section 57-4-102(24). [HB-3453]
As enacted, adds Pates Ford Marina in DeKalb County to those facilities authorized to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption as a premier type tourist resort. - Amends TCA Section 57-4-102(24).


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 695 on 04/12/2010

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 106th General Assembly

As enacted, adds Historic Rugby in Morgan County to the definition of premier type tourist resort for purposes of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. - Amends TCA Section 57-4-102. [HB-3469]
As enacted, adds Historic Rugby in Morgan County to the definition of premier type tourist resort for purposes of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. - Amends TCA Section 57-4-102.


Sponsored by: Rep. Curry Todd Pub. Ch. 771 on 04/20/2010

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