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Explain HJR-1019: Confirm Floyd McKissick/Utilities Commission × Sponsored by: Rep. Ch. Res 2019-15 on 10/31/2019
You have voted HJR-1019: Confirm Floyd McKissick/Utilities Commission.
Explain HJR-36: Invite Governor/State of State × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ch. Res 2019-2 on 02/13/2019
You have voted HJR-36: Invite Governor/State of State.
Explain HB-1035: 2020-2021 Calendar Modifications × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ref To Com On Rules And Operations Of The Senate on 06/17/2020
You have voted HB-1035: 2020-2021 Calendar Modifications.
Explain HB-1034: Small Business Emergency Loans × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Reptd Fav Com Substitute on 04/29/2020
You have voted HB-1034: Small Business Emergency Loans.
Explain HB-1037: COVID-19 Health Care Working Group Policy Rec × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Reptd Fav Com Substitute on 04/29/2020
You have voted HB-1037: COVID-19 Health Care Working Group Policy Rec.
Explain HB-1038: Omnibus COVID-19 Response Funds × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Withdrawn From Com on 05/14/2020
You have voted HB-1038: Omnibus COVID-19 Response Funds.
Explain HB-1040: Healthcare for Working North Carolinians × Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield Filed on 04/28/2020
You have voted HB-1040: Healthcare for Working North Carolinians.
Explain HB-1050: PED/Low-Performing School Districts × Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Corbin Ch. Sl 2020-55 on 06/30/2020
You have voted HB-1050: PED/Low-Performing School Districts.
Explain HJR-1065: Honor MaryAnn Black, Former Member × Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Riddell Ratified on 06/23/2020
You have voted HJR-1065: Honor MaryAnn Black, Former Member.
Explain HB-1066: Community College System Funding Priorities × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Filed on 05/12/2020
You have voted HB-1066: Community College System Funding Priorities.