Rep. Richard White


District HD-099
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 13

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to identity documents, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [HB-453]
Amend various sections of KRS 186.400 to 186.640, and KRS Chapters 189A and 281A to make the Transportation Cabinet the sole application and issuance entity for operator's licenses and personal identification cards and eliminate the requirements that these documents be applied for in the county of residence; amend KRS 186.419 to expand the list of documents an applicant can use when applying for a voluntary travel ID; amend KRS 186.490 to allow circuit clerk offices to continue issuing standard identity credentials until the Transportation Cabinet (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Signed By Governor Acts Ch. 51) on 03/27/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION related to the access of exceptional students to educational opportunities. [HCR-110]
A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION related to the access of exceptional students to educational opportunities, "The Students First Resolution."


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Recommitted To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the prescriptive authority of advanced practice registered nurses. [HB-286]
Amend KRS 314.011 to allow designated advanced practice registered nurses certified in psychiatric-mental health nursing to prescribe up to two sequential refills for a 30 day supply of psychostimulants; amend KRS 314.042 to remove the one-year practice requirement before an APRN may prescribe controlled substances under a CAPA-CS; establish conditions for an APRN to prescribe controlled substances without a CAPA-CS after four years of controlled substance prescribing authority under a CAPA-CS; require an APRN to confirm with the nursing board that (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley Recommitted To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to school construction. [HB-93]
Amend KRS 162.065 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to include "construction management-at-risk" as a project delivery method option for school construction projects.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth Palumbo To Education (s) on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. [HB-26]
Amend KRS 403.720 to include violence against an animal when used as coercive conduct in the definition of "domestic violence and abuse"; amend KRS 403.740 to allow a judge to award possession of a shared domestic animal to the petitioner; amend KRS 456.010 to include violence against an animal when used as coercive conduct in the definition of "dating violence and abuse"; amend KRS 456.060 to allow a judge to award possession of a shared domestic animal to the petitioner.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to ensuring basic liberties regarding immunizations and declaring an emergency. [HB-36]
Amend KRS 214.036 to prohibit required immunization of any person by any state agency or instrumentality; create the short title "Ensuring Bodily Autonomy and Informed Consent Act"; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Fischer Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency. [HB-15]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to define "emergency order", set parameters for the issuance of an emergency order, and provide for legal action to enforce the parameters; amend Section 39A.090 to apply the emergency order definition to executive orders issued under KRS Chapters 39A to 39F; amend KRS 39A.100 to require that emergency orders issued by the Governor contain an expiration date not greater than 14 days, with extension only as provided by the General Assembly, require that emergency orders issued by a chief executive of a local (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Fischer Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. [HB-57]
Amend KRS 525.135, relating to torture of a dog or cat, to add specific acts to definition of torture; make all violations a Class D felony; make each act of torture prosecutable as a separate offense; make the exemptions applicable only where there is no intent to cause, increase, or prolong the pain and suffering of the dog or cat.


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/05/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to covered wooden bridge authorities. [HB-351]
Amend KRS 176.410 to provide that a covered wooden bridge authority must have a land owner with property adjacent to a covered wooden bridge as a member.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Massey Introduced In House on 02/03/2021

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2021 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to student discipline at public postsecondary education institutions. [HB-145]
Amend KRS 164.370 to require each governing board of a public postsecondary education institution to adopt a student code of conduct that includes disciplinary procedures; set minimum requirements for the disciplinary procedures; require the institution to provide additional rights to students eligible to receive certain punishments; require a governing board to permit a student whose residence is in campus housing to appeal to the governing board; require a governing board to permit a student organization whose affiliation with the institution (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Fischer To Education (s) on 03/03/2021

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