Rep. Rebecca Reimer


District HD-026
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 19

Sponsored Legislation

State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Revise certain provisions regarding hunting with drones. [HB-1059]
Revise certain provisions regarding hunting with drones.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim White Signed By The Governor On February 27, 2020 H.j. 435 on 03/02/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Revise certain provisions regarding the use of the aeronautics fund. [HB-1060]
Revise certain provisions regarding the use of the aeronautics fund.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Monroe Senate Tabled, Passed, Yeas 24, Nays 11. S.j. 327 on 02/24/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Prohibit certain acts against children and provide a penalty therefor. [HB-1057]
Prohibit certain acts against children and provide a penalty therefor.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Health And Human Services Deferred To The 41st Legislative Day, Passed, Yeas 5, Nays 2. on 02/10/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators by their respective administrator parent groups. [HM-8002]
Commending and honoring the 2018-2019 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: JOEL JORGENSON, Madison Central, School Superintendent; DON LYON, Spearfish, Middle School Principal; PAUL LUNDBERG, Brandon Valley, School Business Official; MATT ALLEY, West Central, Elementary School Principal; JOE CHILDS, Mitchell, Secondary School Principal; DAVE PREHEIM, Tea, Assistant High School Principal; MICHAEL AMOLINS, Harrisburg, Curriculum Leader; WENDY OTHEIM, Brookings, Director of Special Education, for being named outstanding administrators (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer H.j. 18 on 01/16/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota. [HM-8004]
Commending the nation of Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and with the State of South Dakota.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Haugaard H.j. 37 on 01/21/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Honoring and commending Police Officers Teil Glaus and Garrett Harmon, Highway Patrol Trooper Josh De Wild and Chief Deputy Sheriff Tory Engel on their heroic response and life-saving actions at the scene of an airplane crash in Chamberlain. [HM-8005]
Honoring and commending Police Officers Teil Glaus and Garrett Harmon, Highway Patrol Trooper Josh De Wild and Chief Deputy Sheriff Tory Engel on their heroic response and life-saving actions at the scene of an airplane crash in Chamberlain.


Sponsored by: Rep. Troy Heinert H.j. 51 on 01/23/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Authorize special event alcohol licenses for full-service restaurant licensees. [HB-1073]
Authorize special event alcohol licenses for full-service restaurant licensees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim White Signed By The Governor On March 09, 2020 H.j. 537 on 03/10/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Include out-of-state convictions for the basis of an enhanced penalty for the crime of stalking. [HB-1068]
Include out-of-state convictions for the basis of an enhanced penalty for the crime of stalking.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Signed By The Governor On March 18, 2020 H.j. 626 on 03/30/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Regulate the use of auxiliary containers. [SB-54]
Regulate the use of auxiliary containers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Signed By The Governor On February 27, 2020 S.j. 378 on 03/02/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Require a designation on a driver license for autism spectrum disorder under certain circumstances. [HB-1076]
Require a designation on a driver license for autism spectrum disorder under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Monroe Scheduled For Hearing on 01/30/2020

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