Rep. Mary Lehman


District HD-021
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 71

Sponsored Legislation

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Criminal Law – Sodomy – Repeal [HB-81]
Repealing the crime of sodomy; making conforming changes; clarifying that certain evidence is not admissible as an infamous crime; providing that a conviction before October 1, 2020, for sodomy may not be expunged under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 45 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Criminal Procedure – Charge of Possession of Marijuana – Removal From Case Search [HB-83]
Prohibiting the Maryland Judiciary Case Search from in any way referring to the existence of a District Court criminal case in which possession of marijuana is the only charge in the case and the charge was disposed of before October 1, 2014.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/07/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

General Assembly - Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in Office [HB-103]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution to require an individual appointed by the Governor to fill a vacancy in the office of Delegate or Senator in the General Assembly to serve for the remainder of the term if the vacancy occurs after a certain date; requiring that a special election be held at the same time as a certain regular statewide election to fill a vacancy in the office of Delegate or Senator in the General Assembly if the vacancy occurs on or before a certain date; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo Hearing 1/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/15/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment for Multifamily Units Act [HB-111]
Providing that certain provisions of a recorded covenant or restriction, a declaration, or the bylaws or rules of a condominium or homeowners association are void and unenforceable if they prohibit or unreasonably restrict the installation or use of electric vehicle recharging equipment; authorizing the Maryland Energy Administration to issue multiple electric vehicle recharging equipment rebates to the governing body of a condominium or homeowners association for the lesser of 40% of the costs of the equipment or $5,000; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Referred Judicial Proceedings Finance on 03/06/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Election Law - Voting Order Priority - Individuals Who Need Extra Assistance [HB-142]
Requiring a chief election judge to give voting order priority to individuals with certain mobility problems, individuals assisting others who have mobility problems, or an individual accompanied by a child with a disability; authorizing certain individuals to request voting order priority of any election judge serving at a polling place or early voting center; requiring the State Board to adopt regulations regarding methods for providing notice to voters of the option to request voting order priority and training guidelines for judges; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh Referred Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 03/15/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Crimes Against Animals – Interference With Equines [HB-171]
Altering a certain prohibition against interfering with, injuring, tampering with, or destroying a horse used for a certain purpose to prohibit a person from interfering with, injuring, tampering with or destroying an equine used for a certain purpose or for any other lawful activity; changing the crime from a felony to a misdemeanor; altering the maximum penalty to include a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or both; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 93 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Wage History and Wage Range [HB-123]
Requiring an employer, on request, to provide to an applicant for employment the wage range for the position for which the applicant applied; prohibiting an employer from taking negative actions against an applicant for employment because the applicant did not provide wage history or a wage range; prohibiting an employer from relying on wage history, except when voluntarily provided, for the purpose of determining fair wage, and from seeking an applicant's wage history from former employers or their agents; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 67 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Election Law - Petitions and Ballot Questions - Plain Language Requirement [HB-140]
Requiring that the signature page of a petition seeking to place a question on the ballot provide, under certain circumstances, certain information in plain language reasonably calculated to be understood by an individual who has attained no higher than a grade 6 level of reading comprehension; and requiring that a certain statement about the purpose of a question on the ballot be in plain language reasonably calculated to be understood by an individual who has attained no higher than a grade 6 level of reading comprehension.


Sponsored by: Rep. Maggie McIntosh First Reading Ways And Means on 01/15/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Expansion of Commercial Gaming - Referendum - Sports Wagering [HB-169]
Providing that the General Assembly may authorize, by law, the State Lottery and Gaming Control Commission to issue certain sports wagering licenses; providing that a license may be issued only to the holder of a video lottery operation license or certain horse racing licenses; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that State revenues generated by the proposed sports wagering be used for public education; submitting the Act to a referendum of the qualified voters of the State; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser Hearing 2/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/21/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Maryland Recycling Act - Recyclable Materials and Resource Recovery Facilities - Alterations [HB-179]
Altering the definition of "recyclable materials" under the Maryland Recycling Act to exclude incinerator ash; and repealing the authority of a county to utilize a resource recovery facility to meet 5% of the waste reduction required to be achieved through recycling in the county's recycling plan.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/15/2020

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