Rep. Michael Webert


District HD-018
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 124

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

BPOL tax; maximum fee and tax rates established by a locality. [HB-10]
BPOL tax; maximum fee and tax rates established. Prohibits a locality from increasing its local license (BPOL) fees or taxes above the rates of its BPOL fees and taxes imposed for the 2011 license year. The prohibition on increasing BPOL fees and taxes expires beginning with the 2015 license year. The bill also authorizes a locality to impose the BPOL tax on (i) gross receipts or (ii) the Virginia taxable income of a corporation, the net income of a sole proprietorship, and the net income of a pass-through entity.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole Senate: Committee Substitute Printed 12105764d-s1 on 02/29/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Telework expenses tax credit; raises cap on aggregate amount available in years 2012 and 2013. [HB-1000]
Telework expenses tax credit. Raises the cap on the aggregate amount of tax credits available in calendar years 2012 and 2013 for telework expenses from $1 million to $1.5 million. The bill also raises the cap on the amount of credits that can be claimed by an employer from $50,000 per employer to $75,000 per employer.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gordon Helsel House: Continued To 2013 In Finance By Voice Vote on 02/10/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Immigration laws; agreement with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [HB-1001]
Enforcement of immigration laws; agreement with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Provides that the Superintendent of State Police shall seek to enter into a memorandum of agreement with United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as authorized under 8 U.S.C. §1357(g), to permit the State Police to perform federal immigration law-enforcement functions in the Commonwealth after arrest of an alien.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole Senate: Continued To 2013 In Courts Of Justice on 03/06/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Criminal history record information check; elimination of fees. [HB-1012]
Criminal history record information checks; elimination of fees. Eliminates the fees to be collected by licensed dealers for every firearms transaction that requires a criminal history record information check.


Sponsored by: Rep. Benjamin Cline House: Continued To 2013 In Appropriations By Voice Vote on 02/10/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Income tax, state & corporate; extends subtraction for capital gains from investments in businesses. [HB-1013]
Income tax; capital gains subtraction. Extends the subtraction from individual and corporate taxable income of capital gains from investments in qualified businesses from June 30, 2013, to June 30, 2015.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0096) on 03/06/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Renewable energy portfolio standard program; eliminates Performance Incentive provision. [HB-1017]
Renewable energy portfolio standard program. Eliminates the Performance Incentive provision in the renewable energy portfolio standard program that entitles any investor-owned electric utility to a 50 basis point increase in its authorized combined rate of return on common equity if it meets the program's RPS Goals. The measure retains provisions that allow a utility to recover its costs associated with meeting the RPS Goals, but provides that a utility that exceeds the RPS Goals shall not recover the incremental costs associated with exceeding (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Left In Commerce And Labor (0-y 0-n) on 02/14/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Public records; retention and destruction of original records by clerk of circuit court. [HB-1054]
Public records; retention and destruction of original records by clerk. Clarifies inconsistencies between the law governing the retention and destruction of original public records by the clerk of the circuit court and the Public Records Management Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Anderson House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Renewable energy portfolio standard program; credits for investments. [HB-1102]
Renewable energy portfolio standard program; credits for investments. Allows any investor-owned electric utility that participates in the renewable energy portfolio standard program to meet up to 20 percent of an RPS Goal through certificates evidencing the utility's expenses in conducting research and development activities in Virginia related to renewable or alternative energy sources. To qualify, such expenses shall either (i) be designed to enhance the participating utility's understanding of emerging energy technologies and their potential (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0274) on 03/20/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Public records; retention and destruction of original records by clerk of circuit court. [HB-1143]
Public records; retention and destruction of original records by clerk. Clarifies inconsistencies between the law governing the retention and destruction of original public records by the clerk of the circuit court and the Public Records Management Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2012 Regular Session

Human embryos; research prohibited, penalty. [HB-1162]
Research using human embryos prohibited; penalty. Prohibits nontherapeutic research that destroys a human embryo or subjects such embryo to substantial risk of injury or death; the bill also prohibits the use of any cells or tissues taken by destroying or harming a human embryo. This prohibition does not apply to in vitro fertilization or any diagnostic test which may assist in the future care of a child subjected to such tests as an embryo. A violation of the provisions of the bill is a Class 1 misdemeanor.


Sponsored by: Rep. Benjamin Cline House: Left In Rules on 02/14/2012

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