Rep. Scott Cepicky


District HD-064
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 286

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to education. [HB-5]
As enacted, requires that the instruction provided to a student who is identified for intervention through the response to instruction and intervention (RTI²) framework be determined by the student's local education agency based on the individual student's needs. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Griffey Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 57 on 04/06/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 1, relative to academic standards. [HB-4]
As introduced, requires each LEA to develop and implement instructional programs aligned with state academic standards that incorporate science and social studies concepts into the English language arts instruction for students in kindergarten through grade two. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 1.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Cepicky Withdrawn. on 01/14/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to completion grants for Tennessee Promise scholarship students. [HB-6]
As enacted, requires the commission to establish a four-year pilot program to award completion grants to Tennessee Promise scholarship students who have an immediate financial need or who are experiencing a financial hardship that may prevent the student from completing a postsecondary degree or credential. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Littleton Pub. Ch. 512 on 06/01/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to school sports. [HB-3]
As enacted, requires that a student's gender for purposes of participation in a public middle school or high school interscholastic athletic activity or event be determined by the student's sex at the time of the student's birth, as indicated on the student's original birth certificate. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 40 on 04/06/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to the Teacher's Discipline Act. [HB-16]
As enacted, enacts the "Teacher's Discipline Act," which establishes requirements and procedures for teachers to discipline students in the teachers' classrooms, including relocation of a student. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Pub. Ch. 77 on 04/06/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, relative to the basic education program. [HB-14]
As introduced, enacts the "School Stabilization Act"; requires, for the 2021-2022 school year, the BEP of each LEA to be calculated based on the LEA's 2019-2020 average daily membership (ADM), rather than the LEA's 2020-2021 ADM, unless the LEA's 2020-2021 ADM exceeds the LEA's 2019-2020 ADM. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Griffey Withdrawn. on 01/14/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, relative to summer school for students in grades kindergarten through five (K-5). [HB-15]
As introduced, requires, beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, a student in any grade kindergarten through five (K-5) who is identified as in need of Tier II or Tier III interventions according to the department of education's RTI² framework to participate in an LEA-approved research-based intervention before the beginning of the next school year to be eligible for promotion to the next grade level. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 6.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Cepicky Withdrawn. on 02/08/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 7; Title 33; Title 37; Title 49; Title 50; Title 62; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, relative to health. [HB-10]
As introduced, removes provisions in current law that override the ability of various persons to object to vaccinations, immunizations, or other medical procedures on the basis of religious tenets and practices. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 7; Title 33; Title 37; Title 49; Title 50; Title 62; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Sponsor(s) Added. on 03/02/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 112th General Assembly

A RESOLUTION to honor and commend Gail Gilliam for her exemplary service to the American Legion Auxiliary and this State. [HJR-2]
Gail Gilliam


Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Curcio Signed By Governor. on 01/22/2021

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, expands enhanced penalties for the sale of controlled substances in a drug-free school zone to include the distribution of one-half ounce or less of marijuana. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 4 and Section 49-2-116. [HB-14]
As introduced, expands enhanced penalties for the sale of controlled substances in a drug-free school zone to include the distribution of one-half ounce or less of marijuana. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 4 and Section 49-2-116.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Cepicky Withdrawn. on 01/19/2019

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