Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; emergency award to claimant shall not exceed $3000, etc. [HB-1]
Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; joint subcommittee. Increases the maximum amount of covered expenses that may be paid to certain crime victims to $30,000 from $25,000 and the maximum amount of an emergency award to $3,000 from $2,000. The bill requires the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees to appoint a joint subcommittee of the membership of such committees to consider the administration, provision and funding of sexual and domestic violence services in the Commonwealth. The joint subcommittee will examine current
HB-1: Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; emergency award to claimant shall not exceed $3000, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
Continued To 2015 In Courts Of Justice (9-y 6-n) on 02/19/2014
District courts; record retention. [HB-1013]
Record retention in district courts. Permits the chief judge of a juvenile and domestic relations district court to direct the clerk of that court to destroy documents related to civil and criminal cases that have been ended for a period of three years, provided that the documents have been microfilmed or converted to an electronic format. Currently, only the chief judge of a general district court has such authority.
HB-1013: District courts; record retention.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0287) on 03/24/2014
Coal mine safety; reciprocal agreements with other states. [HB-1014]
Coal mine safety; reciprocal agreements with other states. Empowers the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy to enter into reciprocal agreements with responsible officers of other states and assigns to the Chief of the Division of Mines the duty of supervising the execution and enforcement of such reciprocal agreements where they implicate any part of the Coal Mine Safety Act.
HB-1014: Coal mine safety; reciprocal agreements with other states.
Sponsored by: Rep. Israel O'Quinn
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0145) on 03/05/2014
Health insurance; program for local school board employees. [HB-1016]
Health insurance for local school board employees. Gives local school boards an election to have all their employees and retirees, as well as the dependents of employees and retirees, eligible to participate in the state employee health insurance plan in lieu of the current state-administered local health insurance plan. The local school board shall be responsible for whatever portion of the cost of such insurance is not paid by the employee, except any portion that the General Assembly elects to pay.
HB-1016: Health insurance; program for local school board employees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Israel O'Quinn
Left In General Laws on 02/12/2014
Workers' compensation; cost and payment for medical services. [HB-1017]
Workers' compensation; payment for medical services. Limits the liability of an employer for medical treatment provided to an injured person that is rendered by a nurse practitioner or physician assistant serving as an assistant-at-surgery to no more than 20 percent of the charge of the physician performing the surgery. The measure requires multiple procedures associated with medical, surgical, and hospital services rendered on or after July 1, 2014, to be coded and billed with appropriate CPT modifiers and paid according to the National Correct
HB-1017: Workers' compensation; cost and payment for medical services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Left In Commerce And Labor on 02/12/2014
Appellate proceedings; audio and audio-visual records, circuit court opinions, fees. [HB-1018]
Appellate proceedings; audio and audio-visual records; circuit court opinions; fees; access. Requires the appellate courts to produce audio or audio-visual recordings of oral arguments and to make such recordings available to the public without charge. The bill also clarifies that clerks are not required to charge fees for access to or copies of orders and opinions and, further, that a clerk may not restrict redistribution of publicly accessible court records. The bill contains a delayed effective date.
Divorce; affidavit in support. [HB-1019]
Divorce; affidavit in support. Changes the requirements in affidavits for no-fault divorce relating to incarceration from affirming or verifying that neither party is incarcerated to affirming or verifying the incarceration status of both parties. The bill replaces references to "allegations" in such affidavits with "grounds for divorce," language more consistent with the rest of the title. The bill also provides that, if either party is incarcerated, neither party shall submit evidence by affidavit without leave of court or the consent in writing
HB-1019: Divorce; affidavit in support.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0288) on 03/24/2014
Income tax, state; credit for disabled military veterans. [HB-1020]
Individual income tax credit; disabled military veterans. Establishes an individual income tax credit beginning with the 2014 taxable year for veterans with a military service-connected disability. The credit would be computed by multiplying the veteran's disability rating for the taxable year by the amount of his Virginia individual income tax liability for the year. The veteran's disability rating would be determined using the disability ratings of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
HB-1020: Income tax, state; credit for disabled military veterans.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Left In Finance on 02/12/2014
Income tax, state; military retirement pay subtraction. [HB-1021]
Individual income tax; military retirement pay subtraction. Establishes an individual income tax subtraction for annual retirement compensation received for service as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Virginia National Guard. The subtraction is effective beginning with the 2014 taxable year.
HB-1021: Income tax, state; military retirement pay subtraction.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeffrey Campbell
Left In Finance on 02/12/2014
Smoking in motor vehicles; presence of minor under age eight, civil penalty. [HB-1023]
Smoking in vehicle with minor present. Provides that any person who smokes in a motor vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, when a minor under the age of eight is in the motor vehicle is subject to a civil penalty of $100. The offense may be charged on a uniform traffic summons.
HB-1023: Smoking in motor vehicles; presence of minor under age eight, civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Tabled In Militia, Police And Public Safety By Voice Vote on 01/17/2014