Rep. Cherlynn Stevenson


District HD-088
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 65

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to wages. [HB-39]
Amend KRS 337.010 to increase the applicable threshold of employees of retail stores and service industries from $95,000 to $500,000 average annual gross volume of sales for the employer; amend KRS 337.275 to raise the state minimum wage to $8.20 per hour on July 1, 2020, $9.15 per hour on July 1, 2021, $10.10 per hour on July 1, 2022, $11 per hour on July 1, 2023, $12.05 per hour on July 1, 2024, $13.10 per hour on July 1, 2025, $13.95 per hour on July 1, 2026, and $15 per hour on July 1, 2027, and to raise the state minimum wage for tipped employees (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to health benefit coverage of chronic pain treatments. [HB-198]
Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to establish that any health benefit plan issued or renewed in the Commonwealth that provides coverage for hospital, medical, or surgical expenses, shall include coverage for chronic pain treatments provided by a licensed professional; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require Medicaid and Medicaid managed care organizations to include coverage for chronic pain treatments provided by a licensed professional; amend KRS 218A.172 to require that a health care practitioner discuss and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Cherlynn Stevenson To Banking & Insurance (h) on 01/09/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to cruelty to animals. [HB-106]
Amend KRS 525.130 to require forfeiture of animals subjected to cruelty, and make technical changes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Flood Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the reporting of animal abuse. [HB-108]
Amend KRS 321.185 to specify that a veterinarian shall not be subject to discipline when acting in good faith to report, provide information about, or testify on a suspected animal abuse violation prohibited by KRS 525.125, 525.130, 525.135, or 525.137.


Sponsored by: Rep. Russ Meyer Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to health care insurance waiting periods. [HB-180]
Create a new section of Chapter 337 to eliminate health insurance waiting periods for new employees; amend KRS 337.900 to add a penalty for failure to provide insurance to employee from first day of employment.


Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to surprise billing. [HB-179]
Amend KRS 304.17A-005 to define "balance billing," "cost sharing," and other terms; create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require the insurance commissioner or a designated nonprofit organization to establish and maintain a database of billed health care services charges collected from insurers; define "unanticipated out-of-network care," "covered person" and "usual and customary rate"; require an insurer to reimburse for unanticipated out-of-network care at the lower of the billed amount or the usual and customary rate less (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Introduced In House on 01/07/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION commemorating Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11, 2020. [HR-22]
Commemorate Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11, 2020.


Sponsored by: Rep. McKenzie Cantrell To Judiciary (h) on 01/10/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to wagering and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-137]
Establish KRS Chapter 239 and create new sections to define “adjusted gross revenue,” “beginner,” “cabinet, “confidential information,” “entry fee,” “fantasy contest,” “fantasy contest operator," “fantasy contest participant", “highly experienced player,” “immediate family,” “location percentage,” “person,” “principal stockholder,” “registered fantasy contest operator,” “script,” “secretary,” and “wager”; establish requirements for registration as a fantasy contest operator; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations for the operation (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham Recommitted To Licensing, Occupations, & Admin Regs (h) on 03/17/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-136]
Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 218A to define terms; to exempt the medicinal marijuana program from existing provisions in Kentucky law to the contrary; to require the Department for Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control to implement and regulate the medicinal marijuana program in Kentucky; to establish the Division of Medicinal Marijuana within the Department of Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control; to establish restrictions on the possession of medicinal marijuana by qualifying patients, visiting patients, and designated caregivers; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham To Judiciary (s) on 03/02/2020

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2020 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION recognizing November as Epilepsy Awareness Month. [HR-36]
Recognize November as Epilepsy Awareness Month.


Sponsored by: Rep. Cherlynn Stevenson To Health And Family Services (h) on 01/14/2020

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