Rep. Kirk Chaffee


District HD-029
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 25

Sponsored Legislation

State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 730th Area Support Medical Company of Vermillion on being awarded the National Guard Association of the United States' Certificate of Victory. [HM-8019]
Commending the South Dakota Army National Guard's 730th Area Support Medical Company of Vermillion on being awarded the National Guard Association of the United States' Certificate of Victory.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer H.j. 230 on 02/07/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Provide for the reissuance of certain enhanced permits to carry a concealed pistol and to declare an emergency. [HB-1242]
Provide for the reissuance of certain enhanced permits to carry a concealed pistol and to declare an emergency.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lee Qualm Signed By The Governor On March 25, 2020 H.j. 629 on 03/30/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Revise requirements for legal newspapers. [HB-1241]
Revise requirements for legal newspapers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lee Qualm Scheduled For Hearing on 02/20/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Supporting trade negotiations to remove barriers to country of origin labelling. [SCR-601]
Supporting trade negotiations to remove barriers to country of origin labelling.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim White House Of Representatives Concurred In Resolution As Amended, Passed, Yeas 60, Nays 3. H.j. 440 on 03/02/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Provide limited deer and antelope licenses to landowners. [HB-1184]
Provide limited deer and antelope licenses to landowners.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lee Qualm Signed By The Governor On March 12, 2020 H.j. 602 on 03/12/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Supporting the Electoral College. [HCR-6003]
Supporting the Electoral College.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer House Of Representatives Concurred In Amendments, Passed, Yeas 66, Nays 0. H.j. 505 on 03/09/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Recognizing June as Move Over Awareness Month and urging drivers to slow down and move over for stopped vehicles. [SCR-604]
Recognizing June as Move Over Awareness Month and urging drivers to slow down and move over for stopped vehicles.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim White Signed By The Speaker H.j. 340 on 02/20/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Supporting the right to pray in public schools. [HCR-6012]
Supporting the right to pray in public schools.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer House Of Representatives Conference Committee Report Adopted, Passed, Yeas 61, Nays 0. H.j. 555 on 03/11/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Provide for an increase in the assessment against certain treated land. [HB-1124]
Provide for an increase in the assessment against certain treated land.


Sponsored by: Sen. Shawn Bordeaux Signed By The Governor On March 16, 2020 H.j. 626 on 03/30/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Revise provisions regarding the acceptance of gifts by municipalities. [HB-1165]
Revise provisions regarding the acceptance of gifts by municipalities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer Signed By The Governor On March 04, 2020 H.j. 480 on 03/05/2020

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